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Sun[tm] System Handbook: Internal Partner Edition 2.1 CD Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I access the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD?
  2. What if my system does not meet the software requirements to run the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD?
  3. How can I get a copy of the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD?
  4. What's the difference between the Sun System Handbook and the FE Handbook?
  5. Can the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD be given to customers?
  6. What should I do if I can't find the information I am looking for or if I find an error?
  7. What should I do if I have a great idea to improve the Sun System Handbook?
  8. Can I get help with customer technical questions or problems?

1. How do I access the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD?

The Sun System Handbook: Internal/Partner 2.1 CD uses a Java[tm]-based technology and web-server framework solution to make the Sun System Handbook experience virtually identical on multiple operating system platforms. No disk space or installation is required to use the Sun System Handbook: Internal/Partner Edition 2.1 CD.

For details about how to access the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD, refer to the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD README.

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2. What if my system does not meet the software requirements to run the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD?

You can access the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD without a search engine, which only requires a web browser. Refer to the Sun System Handbook 2.1 README for details.

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3. How can I get a copy of the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD?
If you are a Then do the following
Sun employee

If you have previously subscribed and received a Sun System Handbook CD, the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD will be automatically sent to you.

To order a new subscription to the Sun System Handbook CD (and receive future releases), follow the instructions below:


    1. Go to http://grand.central/web/supply/Materials/sw.subscription.html
    2. Enter your employee number and LDAP password to login.
    3. Under Request Type, select Add.
    4. Fill in the Requester, Requester's Manager, and Sun Business Unit's table entries.
    5. Under Subscription Types, select FEHBK-SUB.
    6. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.

  • If you need to order a replacement Sun System Handbook CD or if you want to order a CD without subscribing, do the following:

    1. Go to http://grand.central/web/supply/Materials/sw.subscription.html
    2. Enter your employee number and LDAP password to login.
    3. Under Subscription Type, select Change.
    4. Fill in the Requester, Requester's Manager, and Sun Business Unit's table entries.
    5. In the Special Instructions box, enter that you want a replacement copy of the Sun System Handbook CD. (Note that your manager's approval will be required to process the request.)
    6. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.

  • APAC: Send e-mail to [email protected]

  • EMEA: Send e-mail to [email protected]
Channel Partner Contact your Channel Partner business manager.

You can also download the CD image from the Sun System Handbook home page to install it on your hard disk or to create your own Sun System Handbook CD.

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4. What's the difference between the Sun System Handbook and the FE Handbook?

The Sun System Handbook is an enhancement of the FE Handbook and provides more detailed information from a system perspective, including system photographs, parts lists, and support documentation. The Sun System Handbook has replaced the online version of the FE Handbook, both on InfoServer and CDs. The Sun System Handbook is available only from your web browser while the FE Handbook is a hard copy, two volume set.

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5. Can the Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD be given to customers?

No. The Sun System Handbook 2.1 CD is Sun propriety information, and it may not be given to customers. However, a customer version of the Sun System Handbook is available on the web in both free and contract versions.

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6. What should I do if I can't find the information I am looking for or if I find an error?

Please use the Feedback link located on the upper-right corner of every page to send us any of your questions. We try to respond to all the e-mails we receive.

If you can't find something, make sure you use the Search engine.

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7. What should I do if I have a great idea to improve the Sun System Handbook?

Please send us feedback by using the Feedback link located on the upper-right corner of every page. We welcome all ideas and comments. This handbook is for you and we want to make sure we are addressing your needs.

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8. Can I get help with customer technical questions or problems?

The Sun System Handbook team is not equipped to be an online support center. We are a small group, and all of our time is spent on adding to and improving the site. For customer technical support questions not specifically related to Sun System Handbook content, please use the Customer Care Center (CCC) for expert technical assistance. The CCC can be reached by either dialing 1-800-USA-4SUN or via the Online Support Center (OSC) at

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