Asset ID: |
1-72-1017316.1 |
Update Date: | 2010-07-29 |
Keywords: | |
Solution Type
Problem Resolution Sure
IntelliStore - Both nodes are backup nodes with no Master after reboot
Related Categories |
- GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Fixed Content Disk
SymptomsArchive system services not running on either node
Unable to access Intellistore from GUI
No remote access to Intellistore
Intellistore nodes are both backup nodes
cp_sanitystart shows no services running
cp_sanitystart shows backup node for both nodes
IntelliStore nodes boot with no Master
No Master node on IntelliStore system
ResolutionDetermine the expected state of each node by checking the following files:
These files will contain a simple flag indicating the state and may contain one of the following states preceeded by the '-' hyphen:
'-o' - online
'-f' - offline
'-m' - maintenance
The 'currstate.conf' file contains the current state of the node. This may not coincide with the output of the cp_sanitystart command thus causing the problem.
The 'targstate.conf' file contains the target state that the node should go into. (requested state)
To set both nodes 'online' and make node 1 Master, perform the following:
On both nodes: modify the 'currstate.conf' file by changing the flag to the '-f' flag (if required) using the 'vi' editor. Save file and exit.
On both nodes: modify the 'targstate.conf' file by changing the flag to the '-o' flag (if required) using the 'vi' editor. Save file and exit.
Halt both nodes using the 'halt' command from the Linux prompt.
Boot node 1 and wait for AS and CP services to start by using the 'cp_sanitystart' command, verify this is the Master node
Boot node 2 and verify it is the 'Backup' node and that AS and CP services are running by issuing the 'cp_sanitystart' command.
Additional InformationArchive System
Archive system shutdown prevents startup
IntelliStore CA
IntelliStore EA
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