Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1007889.1
Update Date:2011-05-18

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1007889.1 :   Sun StorEdge[TM] 99XX: HORCM pairresync command fails with CTGID error  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 9970 System
  • Sun Storage 9990 System
  • Sun Storage 9985 System
  • Sun Storage 9910 System
  • Sun Storage 9960 System
  • Sun Storage 9980 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Datacenter Disk



Additional devices were added to 4 existing consistency groups. In the respective horcm configuration files (horcm0.conf and horcm1.conf) the PVOL and SVOL devices were configured with alternate consistency groups and "paircreates" were run against those alternate groups to bring the new disks to a PAIR state.

Existing consistency group names:

Alternate consistency group names:

Paircreate commands:
paircreate -g new_group1 -f async -vl
paircreate -g new_group2 -f async -vl
paircreate -g new_group3 -f async -vl
paircreate -g new_group4 -f async -vl

Once these consistency groups reached a PAIR state they were split:
pairsplit -g new_group1
pairsplit -g new_group2
pairsplit -g new_group3
pairsplit -g new_group4

Once split the horcm instances were shut down on both ends: 0 1

The horcm configuration files were modified and the alternate consistency groups were changed so the newly added devices became part of the existing consistency groups.

new_group1 -> group1
new_group2 -> group2
new_group3 -> group3
new_group4 -> group4

Horcm instances were restarted on both sides: 1 0

A pairdisplay command completes successfully and shows the state of the newly added devices as PSUS (the same as the original devices):
EG: (this is a small clip of the pairdisplay)
na0dgt disk95(L) (CL1-N , 0, 23)30112 21f.P-VOL PSUS ASYNC , 95 31f -
na0dgt disk95(R) (CL1-R ,12, 95)10606 31f.S-VOL SSUS ASYNC , 100 21f -
Newly Added:
na0dgt disk444(L) (CL1-A , 0, 30)30112 12c.P-VOL PSUS ASYNC , 97 52c -
na0dgt disk444(R) (CL1-R ,12, 108)10606 52c.S-VOL SSUS ASYNC , 98 12c -

A pairresync was then attempted to bring the entire consistency group into a PAIR state, but it fails with the following error:

pairresync -g group1
18:43:05-adf0e-23105- local:[pairresync] Inconsist of CTGID[33] in devname[disk444] with 10
18:43:05-b2344-23105- [pairresync][exit(214)]
[EX_ENQCTG] Unmatched CTGID within the group
[Cause ]:The CT group refrences within a group do not have an identical CTGID.
[Action]:Please confirm the CTGID by using the pairvolchk command and/or confirm that group references within the configuration file (HORCM_CONF), refer to the same CTgroup.


When running the paircreate command and do NOT specify the CTGID then CCI/HORCM will automatically assign the CTGID to the group. This is what triggered the CTGID error described above. The initial paircreate for the group issued a CTGID of 10 and the recent paircreate of the new group issued a CTGID of 33. When they added the newly paired devices to the horcm.conf group they added devices with a different CTGID to the horcm.conf group, which caused the commands to error as they did with:

18:43:05-adf0e-23105- local:[pairresync] Inconsist of CTGID[33] in devname[disk444] with 10
18:43:05-b2344-23105- [pairresync][exit(214)]
[EX_ENQCTG] Unmatched CTGID within the group
[Cause ]:The CT group refrences within a group do not have an identical CTGID.
[Action]:Please confirm the CTGID by using the pairvolchk command and/or confirm that group references within the configuration file (HORCM_CONF), refer to the same CTgroup.

The above error describes exactly what the cause is. The line "Inconsist of CTGID[33] in devname[disk444] with 10" indicates that device "disk444" has a CTGID of 33, which differs from the existing CTGID of the other devices in the group which is 10.

The following action plan will resolve the problem:

Edit the horcm.conf file so that the new devices are in the group that was used with the initial paircreate command.

1. Delete the new pairs. The pairsplit -S command will remove any knowledge of the CTGID associated with these devices.

pairsplit -S -g new_group1
pairsplit -S -g new_group2
pairsplit -S -g new_group3
pairsplit -S -g new_group4

2. Create the pairs for the new devices with the CTGID specified and then split them to put them in suspend mode. This will perform the initial copy operation and place all of the new devices in a PAIR status and also assign the correct CTGID to the new devices.

paircreate -g new_group1 -f async 10 -vl
paircreate -g new_group2 -f async 11 -vl
paircreate -g new_group3 -f async 12 -vl
paircreate -g new_group4 -f async 13 -vl

pairsplit -g new_group1
pairsplit -g new_group2
pairsplit -g new_group3
pairsplit -g new_group4

3. Verify that the CTGID matches the CTGID of the other devices in the existing horcm.conf groups. Use either of the following commands "pairdisplay -g <group> -fe" or "pairvolchk -g <group>"

  1. pairvolchk -g new_group1
    pairvolchk : Volstat is P-VOL.[status = PAIR fence = ASYNC CTGID = 10]

4. Shutdown horcm and edit the horcm.conf file to add the devices to the existing horcm.conf groups.

5. Run a pairresync on the existing horcm.conf groups to put them in pair status

pairresync -g group1

This time the pairresync command will complete successfully because there will no longer be devices with different CTGIDs in the horcm.conf group.

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horcm, se9900, cci, command, control, interface, CTG, CTGID, pairresync, true, copy, async
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2006-01-26
User Name: 97961
Action: Approved
Comment: - Applied trademarking
- Tidied up formatting
- Audience changed to "Contract" per FvF http://kmo.central/howto/FvF.html
Version: 3
Date: 2006-01-26
User Name: 97961
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2006-01-25
User Name: 124974
Action: Approved
Comment: Looks great
Version: 0
Date: 2006-01-25
User Name: 124974
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2006-01-25
User Name: 90724
Action: Approved
Comment: Please review.
Version: 0
Date: 2006-01-25
User Name: 90724
Action: Created
Version: 0
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