SRDB ID   Synopsis   Date
42561   Sun StorEdge[TM] 9900 Series DKC does not power down at end of installation   5 Nov 2002

Status Issued


The installation of a StorEdge 9910 or 9960 subsystem requires that the Disk Control Unit (DKC) be powered down after the configuration has been completed. The individual performing the install will be prompted on the Service Processor (SVP) to "Turn off DKC, and wait." This is done by pushing the Enable switch on the Operator Panel up, and while holding this switch, push the Power switch to off. At this point, the array should begin to stop all processes and bring itself down. Upon a visual inspection, you will notice that the unit is powering down because the lights on the Operator Panel will go off. Also, the user should get a message that the DKC is powering off. However, there are criteria to be met in order for the array to power down at this point in the installation process.


For the 7700 series of Hitachi arrays the units could be powered off with only one power supply turned on. With the 9900 series you need to have both AC power supplies plugged into the wall and turned on by switching on the circuit breaker. If both AC power supplies are not turned on, then the DKC will not power down. The problem is commonly not recognized to have been caused by the AC power because the SVP will not display any messages relating to the AC power supply. The SVP will just sit at the same window telling the user to power off the DKC and wait, almost like it is hung. The SVP is not hung, but rather waiting for the operating environment to be conducive to a power down. Eventually, after about an hour, the SVP will go back to the installation window and will have a default configuration. The person performing the install will have to go back through the whole installation process on the SVP and set everything up once again.

The solution to this situation of not being able to power down the DKC during completion of the installation process is to turn both AC power supplies on. Once both the power supplies are turned on, the array will allow the SVP to continue past the screen displaying the message "Turn off DKC, and wait", and the installation of the 99x0 may be completed.


[email protected]

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The cause for this is the subsystem design. The microcode has been written in such a way that it is REQUIRED that all components of the subsystem be in an OPTIMAL state. If there are any bad components installed, power not connected on both AC boxes, or anything else that is generating a SIM, the subsystem will not allow you to complete the initial installation. This is done as a safety measure, as this is a critical step of the procedure, when configuration information is written to various parts of the subsystem. Allowing a power-off could result in an unstable system. There is no workaround for this situation- whatever component is reporting a problem MUST be fixed.

This issue does not affect normal power-down procedures after intial install is completed. Once install is completed, power-off procedure with failed components is normal, and the subsystem will track which components are in that state when it powers back on.

SUBMITTER: Glenn Thoren APPLIES TO: Hardware/Disk Storage Subsystem/StorEdge Disk Array/StorEdge 9900 ATTACHMENTS:

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