InfoDoc ID   Synopsis   Date
48429   Checking torque on Sun Fire [TM] 280R, Sun Blade [TM]1000 and 2000 CPU modules   10 Dec 2002

Status Issued


The purpose of this document is to address the issue of checking torque settings of installed CPU modules. The information from engineering states that there is no accurate way to check the initial torque setting based on the current state of the screws. The fact that the tool can be turned some additional amount at a future time does NOT mean that it was initially torqued incorrectly. It is considered normal behavior for the plastic shroud materials involved to loosen while relieving stress on the connector. This does not mean however that improper torque settings on a CPU module are not a source of system problems. Certainly many system problems(e.g. Fatal-Reset errors and RED State exceptions) have been caused by seating issues and damaged connectors. In cases where there is any suspicion that seating may be an issue, it is recommended to remove the CPU modules and re-install them according to the below procedure.

1.) Remove CPU modules

2.) Closely inspect pins on motherboard and CPU module for damaged pins. They may be difficult to see. Do not re-use any damaged component.

3.) Use torque tool part number 250-1611 and not the ring tool 340-6395

4.) Insert CPU modules;

a. Turn both thumbscrews by hand simultaneously to locate screws in thread, until screws are finger tight.

b. Turn one screw a quarter turn clockwise and then turn opposite screw a quarter turn clockwise using the provided torque tool in the unit.

c. Repeat above step until both screws lock and the CPU module is securely in place. The torque tool will present an audible "click" when the screws are at the correct 5 inch pound torque spec

d. Repeat steps 1-3 for other CPU module (if present).

The above steps are instructions given to Manufacturing and have proven to be effective in preventing damage to the Micro connectors on the motherboard and the CPU screws.


Internal Summary

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SUBMITTER: Ronald Neese APPLIES TO: AFO Vertical Team Docs/Hardware ATTACHMENTS:

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