InfoDoc ID   Synopsis   Date
44775   Replace a Sun StorEdge[TM] Volume Manager controled internal drive in a Sun Fire[TM] V880   9 Sep 2002

Status Issued

As the internal drives in a V880 are Fiber Channel, luxadm will have to be used to remove 
traces of the old WWN from the system.

"luxadm probe" can be used to determine the "enclosure" name containing these internal drives.

# luxadm probe
Found Enclosure:
SUNWGS INT FCBPL   Name:LoopA   Node WWN:508002000011d7d8   Logical Path:/dev/es/ses0

With the enclosure name, you can determine the status of this drive with "luxadm display <encl name>"

# luxadm display LoopA

                SUNWGS INT FCBPL
                 DISK STATUS 
SLOT   DISKS             (Node WWN)         
0      On (O.K.)         2000002037f87099    
1      On (O.K.)         2000002037f39796    
2      On (Login failed)                         
3      Not Installed                         
4      Not Installed                         
5      Not Installed                         
6      Not Installed                     
7      Not Installed                     
8      Not Installed                     
9      Not Installed                     
10     Not Installed                     
11     Not Installed                     
                SUBSYSTEM STATUS
FW Revision:9218   Box ID:0
  Node WWN:508002000011d7d8   Enclosure Name:LoopA
SSC100's - 0=Base Bkpln, 1=Base LoopB, 2=Exp Bkpln, 3=Exp LoopB 
    SSC100 #0:    O.K.(11.A)
    SSC100 #1:    O.K.(11.A)
    SSC100 #2:    Not Installed
    SSC100 #3:    Not Installed
          Temperature Sensors - 0 Base, 1 Expansion                       
	  1:Not Installed

We'll be replacing slot 3 in the example above.                  
Before replacing any disk under VxVM control, it should be either in a
'failed' or 'removed' state.  If the disk does not show up as "failed
was", as shown here:

   # vxdisk list
   DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
   c1t0d0s2     sliced    rootdisk     rootdg       online
   c1t1d0s2     sliced    disk01       rootdg       online
   c1t1d0s2     sliced    -	       -            online
   -            -         disk02       rootdg       failed was:c1t2d0s2

then you should run 'vxdiskadm' and choose option #4 to remove the disk
for replacement.  After running 'vxdiskadm', the output should look
like this:

   # vxdisk list
   DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
   c1t0d0s2     sliced    rootdisk     rootdg       online
   c1t1d0s2     sliced    disk01       rootdg       online
   c1t2d0s2	sliced    -            -            online
   -            -         disk02       rootdg       removed was:c1t2d0s2

1. Once the disk is in one of the two states shown above, put the disk into the "offline" state with the following command:

      # vxdisk offline c1t2d0s2

2. At this point Volume Manager is prepared for the removal of the drive.  We'll now run "luxadm remove_device <encl>,<slot>" to remove the WWN entries and device links for the failed drive:

      # luxadm remove_device LoopA,s3

   This command will prompt you to physically remove the drive from the V880.

3. We can now run "luxadm insert_device <encl>,<slot>" which will prompt you to physically insert the drive in the V880.

      # luxadm insert_device LoopA,s3

4. After the new disk has been inserted, verify the disk is seen in format and run the following command to force Volume Manager to look for this new disk:

      # vxdctl enable

5. Running "vxdisk list" you should see this new disk in an "error" state:

   # vxdisk list
   DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
   c1t0d0s2     sliced    rootdisk     rootdg       online
   c1t1d0s2     sliced    disk01       rootdg       online
   c1t2d0s2	sliced    -            -            error
   -            -         disk02       rootdg       removed was:c1t2d0s2

6. You can now use vxdiskadm option #5 to replace the Volume Manager disk using the newly inserted drive.
   Note that you will be told that "Access is disabled" for this new disk (because it is still "offline"), and will be asked whether or not you wish to "enable access" to it.  Answer 'yes' to this question.

[email protected]                  
SUBMITTER: Brian Barbe APPLIES TO: Storage, Storage/Volume Manager, Hardware/Sun Fire , Hardware/Sun Fire /V880 ATTACHMENTS:

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