InfoDoc ID   Synopsis   Date
41342   Sun Fire example of dumpconfig and restoreconfig   12 Mar 2002

Status Issued


The purpose of this document is to show an example of using the Sun Fire System Controller commands dumpconfig and restoreconfig.

Note: All domains must be off prior to executing restoreconfig.



1) List the dumpconfig entry from the System Controller command set:

dumpconfig       -- save the system controller configuration to a server            

2) Show the help output from the dumpconfig command:

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> help dumpconfig

dumpconfig -- save the system controller configuration to a server 

Usage: dumpconfig -f <URL> 
       dumpconfig -h

    Writes the system controller configuration to a server.
    Data files: <schostname>.nvci and <schostname>.tod
    -f -- specify a URL to write the data
          <URL> -- the directory to store the data files
                   supported protocol: FTP
    -h -- display this help message            

3) Execute the dumpconfig command to the /SAVE directory on the server as a root user where the root password is tmp_passwd:

Note: For network security reasons you may consider temporarily changing your root password for this process

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> dumpconfig -f ftp://root:[email protected]/SAVE
Created: ftp://root:[email protected]/SAVE/ib-sf6800-sc0.nvci
Created: ftp://root:[email protected]/SAVE/ib-sf6800-sc0.tod

4) List the dumpconfig files from the /SAVE directory on the server

# ls -l /SAVE
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other     524300 Nov 13 16:34 ib-sf6800-sc0.nvci
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other       8140 Nov 13 16:34 ib-sf6800-sc0.tod



1) List the restoreconfig entry from the System Controller command set:

restoreconfig    -- restore the system controller configuration from a server             

2) Show the help output from the restoreconfig command:

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> help restoreconfig

restoreconfig -- restore the system controller configuration from a server 

Usage: restoreconfig [-y|-n] -f <URL>
       restoreconfig -h

    Restore the system controller state based on the two data files:
    <schostname>.nvci and <schostname>.tod at the specified URL.
    The process requires that all domains be off and the system controller
    will be rebooted when the configuration is restored.
    The date in the platform and each domain will need to be set after the
    configuration is restored.
    -f -- specify a URL to restore from
          <URL> -- the directory containing the data files
                   supported protocols: FTP and HTTP
    -y -- do not prompt for confirmation
    -n -- do not execute command if confirmation is requested 
    -h -- display this help message            

3) Shut down the Operating Environment on each domain.

<not shown>

4) Shut down each domain with the "setkeyswitch off" command

ib-sf6800-sc0:A> setkeyswitch off            

5) Verify all domains are off from the Platform shell

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> showkeyswitch
Domain A keyswitch is: off
Domain B keyswitch is: off
Domain C keyswitch is: off
Domain D keyswitch is: off            

6) Execute the restoreconfig command. This will restore the configuration from the /SAVE directory on the server as a root user where the root password is tmp_passwd:

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> restoreconfig -y ftp://root:[email protected]/SAVE

This will restore all the platform and domain configurations and passwords.
The system controller will be rebooted when the restore is complete. 
The date will need to be set in the platform and each domain.

Do you want to restore the system controller configuration now? yes (-y)

Retrieving: ftp://root:[email protected]/SAVE/ib-sf6800-sc0.nvci
Retrieving: ftp://root:[email protected]/SAVE/ib-sf6800-sc0.tod
Verifying data.
NVCI has been restored.
TOD has been restored.
Enter new password: 		<cr>
Enter new password again: 	<cr>

Restore complete.  The system controller is being rebooted. 
The date will need to be set in the platform and each domain.

Rebooting. All telnet connections closed. Reestablish any needed connections.            

7) Check and reset the date if necessary (setdate is using the rdate option):

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC>  showdate -v
Tue Nov 13 17:39:45 EST 2001
EST  GMT-5     Eastern Standard Time  
ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> setdate -v -r
Tue Nov 13 17:39:57 EST 2001
EST  GMT-5     Eastern Standard Time
ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> showdate -v
Tue Nov 13 17:40:03 EST 2001
EST  GMT-5     Eastern Standard Time              

8) Reboot each domain with the setkeyswitch command:

ib-sf6800-sc0:SC> console a

Connected to Domain A

Domain Shell for Domain A

ib-sf6800-sc0:A> setkeyswitch on            

<output not included>



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