InfoDoc ID   Synopsis   Date
16372   Installing Clustered E10000 (Starfire[TM])   27 Jun 2002

Status Issued

There seems to be a lot of confusion about what installation services need to be
purchased for a clustered E10000 system.  This message is to help clear up the

- A ServerStart coupled with the CLUS-E10-INSTALL does NOT provide a customer
  with a complete installation solution for a clustered E10K.  (The CLUS-E10-
  INSTALL was designed to provide a complete installation solution when coup-
  led with a Foundation or Enterprise Package, not a ServerStart.)
- Customers purchasing a clustered E10000 system should be encouraged to pur-
  chase a Foundation or Enterprise Package coupled with the CLUS-E10-INSTALL
  package and the appropriate SEC training and consulting packages.
- If a E10000 Cluster customer still opts to purchase a ServerStart instead
  of a Foundation or Enterprise Package, SunService will put together a custom
  bid to ensure a complete installation service is performed before approving
  the order.      
From an email to the [email protected] alias, 
author: [email protected]      
SUBMITTER: Thom Chumley APPLIES TO: Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 10000 ATTACHMENTS:

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