Document fins/I0861-1

FIN #: I0861-1

SYNOPSIS: A specific group of Sun StorEdge 6900 systems are exposed to a single
          point of failure due to misconnected power cables

DATE: Aug/09/02

KEYWORDS: A specific group of Sun StorEdge 6900 systems are exposed to a single
          point of failure due to misconnected power cables

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)


SYNOPSIS: A specific group of Sun StorEdge 6900 systems are exposed 
          to a single point of failure due to misconnected power cables.

SunAlert:           No

PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Storage / Service


Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description                  Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------                  -------------
  -       Anysys      -     System Platform Independent        -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description            Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------            -------------
  -       SE69x0     ALL    StorEdge 69x0 Array         -


Part Number        Description                         Model
-----------        -----------                         -----
180-1932-01        Cable Power Cord 10A 1M               -           


Manual: 816-3244-10: Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Installation and 
                     Service Manual.

URL:    http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/FIN/FINI0861-1_dir/system_list.sxc 

A specific group of Sun StorEdge 6910 and 6960 systems has been exposed
to a single point of failure due to AC power cables being incorrectly
configured at the factory.  If either the front or rear power sequencer
fails in the field, AC power will be lost to two of the FC Switches and
communication with the disk arrays will be interrupted.  This will
result in loss of access to customer data.

The affected group of 6910 and 6960 systems were shipped between
February 1, 2002 and June 28, 2002 .  A complete systems list with
serial numbers and customer names is available at:


NOTE: To view document click on the above URL, then save to your local
      disk using your Netscape 'file' button and select 'save as', then
      open file locally using StarOffice.
The 6910 and 6960 systems are normally cabled so that there is
redundant AC power available to all components and the loss of AC power
from one sequencer does not affect operation.  For this issue, the
power cables from the power sequencers to the FC Switches were
misconnected so that there is no redundant power.  Note that the power
cables connected to the T3 arrays, the Service Processor, the Hub, and
the Storage Virtualization Engines (SVE) are correctly cabled.  Only
the four FC Switches are affected.

The INCORRECTLY cabled 6910 and 6960 systems were configured as follows
for the four FC Switches, as viewed from the rear of the cabinet:

    For 6910 units:

         - L line (Front sequencer) sw1b, sw2b
         - R line (Rear sequencer)  sw1a, sw2a,

    For 6960 units:

         - L line (Front sequencer) sw1b, sw2b
         - R line (Rear sequencer)  sw1a, sw2a 

In both 6910 and 6960 units, the AC power cords are REVERSED for the
front end switches (sw1a and sw1b) and for the backend switches (sw2a
and sw2b).

The CORRECT AC Connections for 6910 and 6960 units is as follows, as
viewed from the rear of the cabinet:
    For 6910 units:

         - L line (Front sequencer) sw1a, sw2a
         - R line (Rear sequencer) sw1b, sw2b,

    For 6960 units:

         - L line (Front sequencer) sw1a, sw2a
         - R line (Rear sequencer) sw1b, sw2b 
    The L-side AC connections MUST power all 'a' labeled switches.
    The R-side AC connections MUST power all 'b' labeled switches.
This issue was caused by an assembly error at Sun Manufacturing.  The
problem has been corrected there.  In order to implement a fix in the
field, AC power cables to the FC Switches must be reconfigured.  See
the detailed procedure provided below.

An FCO will be released to enable Field cost recovery for this issue.
In the meantime, the Corrective Action for this FIN should be
implemented so that this critical issue is resolved as quickly as


        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)


The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned problem.

To correct the AC power connections to the FC Switches, perform either

PROCEDURE #1: OFFLINED 6910 or 6960

 1. Take the unit offline.  Data access will be lost with this procedure.

    A) Power off sw1a, sw1b switches.
    B) REVERSE the AC plug connections between these two switches.
    C) Power on sw1a, sw1b switches.
    D) Repeat the above procedure for sw2a, sw2b switches.

    CORRECT 6910 and 6960 AC line distribution showing sequencer connector:

      | Switch  | Sequencer Connector |
      |         |                     |
      |	SW1a    | L11                 |
      |	SW2a    | L8                  |
      |	SW1b    | R10                 |
      |	SW2b    | R7A                 |
    Note that the FC Switches are labeled either 'a' or 'b' and that 
    the power cables are labeled 'L11, L8, etc.' on the end which plugs 
    into the switch.

PROCEDURE #2: ONLINE 6910 ONLY (has 1 pair of SVEs and 8-port FC switches)

CAUTION: This procedure can only be executed if all attached systems are in 
         a Multi-Path Environment.  Traffic Manager, Dynamic Multi-Pathing 
         and Off-Platform failover drivers must be active.  The Field Engineer 
         must consult with the system or site administrator to determine if 
         all of the above conditions are true.  If there is any doubt that 
         these conditions are true, PROCEDURE #1 should be used instead.

  1. 6910 Series arrays have 2 spare AC cords available within the cabinet.
     Cables L10 and R9 are not used (no V2 pair in 6910).  Utilize one
     of these cables and perform the following sequence.

     A) Power down sw1a and remove the power cord (R10).
     B) Using the spare cord identified above, plug into sw1a and power up.
     C) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     D) Power down sw1b and remove the power cord (L11).
     E) Take (R10) power cord removed from sw1a and plug into sw1b, power up.
     F) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     G) Power down sw1a and remove the spare cord.
     H) Take (L11) power cord and plug into sw1a, power up.
     I) Verify all systems return optimal status on affected paths.

   2. Switch sw1a and sw1b procedure complete. Execute sw2a, sw2b procedure.

     A) Power down sw2a and remove the power cord (R7A).
     B) Using the spare cord identified above, plug into sw2a and power up.
     C) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     D) Power down sw2b and remove the power cord (L8).
     E) Take (R7A) power cord removed from sw2a and plug into sw2b, power up.
     F) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     G) Power down sw2a and remove the spare cord.
     H) Take (L8) power cord and plug into sw2a, power up.
     I) Verify all systems return optimal status on affected paths.

PROCEDURE #3: ONLINE 6960 ONLY (has 2 pairs of SVEs and 16-port FC switches)

CAUTION: This procedure can only be executed if all attached systems are 
         in a Multi-Path Environment.  Traffic Manager, Dynamic Multi-Pathing 
         and Off-Platform failover drivers must be active.  The Field Engineer 
         must consult with the system or site administrator to determine if 
         all of the above conditions are true.  If there is any doubt that 
         these conditions are true, PROCEDURE #1 should be used instead.

  1. 6960 Series arrays have no spare internal AC cords. An external
     power cord capable of plugging into the switches is required.
     If no external power available, user MUST execute PROCEDURE #1
     for an OFFLINE 6910/6960.

     A) Power down sw1a and remove the power cord (R10).
     B) Using the spare cord identified above, plug into sw1a and power up.
     C) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     D) Power down sw1b and remove the power cord (L11).
     E) Take (R10) power cord removed from sw1a and plug into sw1b, power up.
     F) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     G) Power down sw1a and remove the spare cord.
     H) Take (L11) power cord and plug into sw1a, power up.
     I) Verify all systems return optimal status on affected paths.

   2. Switch sw1a and sw1b procedure complete. Execute sw2a, sw2b procedure.

     A) Power down sw2a and remove the power cord (R7A).
     B) Using the spare cord identified above, plug into sw2a and power up.
     C) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     D) Power down sw2b and remove the power cord (L8).
     E) Take (R7A) power cord removed from sw2a and plug into sw2b, power up.
     F) Allow all systems to return optimal status on affected paths.
     G) Power down sw2a and remove the spare cord.
     H) Take (L8) power cord and plug into sw2a, power up.
     I) Verify all systems return optimal status on affected paths.





Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.