Document fins/I0794-1
FIN #: I0794-1
SYNOPSIS: Installation of the 2222A PCI Adapter into an F15K domain requires
109885 or higher when booting from Solaris 8 Update 6
DATE: Mar/22/02
KEYWORDS: Installation of the 2222A PCI Adapter into an F15K domain requires
109885 or higher when booting from Solaris 8 Update 6
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: Installation of the 2222A PCI Adapter into an F15K domain
requires patch
109885 or higher when booting from
Solaris 8 Update 6.
SunAlert: No
PRODUCT_REFERENCE: 2222A PCI Adapter (Cauldron) on F15K
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Server / Service
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
- F15K ALL Sun Fire 15K -
X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
X2222A - ALL Sun Dual FE + Dual SCSI PCI Adapter -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
501-5727-03 Sun Dual FE + Dual SCSI PCI Adapter -
BugId: 4479986 - 32bit glm panic when insert CD media in the drive with
kernel heap corruption.
109885 - SunOS 5.8: glm patch.
Sun Fire 15000 domains with a newly installed Sun Dual Fast Ethernet +
Dual SCSI PCI Adapter (2222A) will not be able to boot Solaris 8 10/01
(U6) unless patch
109885 or higher is applied. As a result, Dstop
errors could be encountered which would prevent a Sun Fire 15000 domain
from booting.
The 2222A PCI adapter was released for the F15K platform on Feb 26,
2002. Without the information contained in this FIN, the field could
have great difficulty installing this adapter at customer sites. This
may result in unacceptable time required for adapter installation.
Here's an example of a failing configuration:
Any Sun Fire 15000 with a newly installed Sun Dual FE + Dual SCSI PCI
Adapter running Solaris 8 10/01 (U6) without patchId#
109885 or
Part Number 501-5727-03 - Sun Dual FE + Dual SCSI PCI Adapter
To verify the current version of Solaris 8, perform following:
% more /etc/release
Solaris 8 10/01 s28s_u6wos_04 SPARC
Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Assembled 02 July 2001
Solaris 8 10/01 (U6) JumpStart Servers not containing patch
or higher will fail to net boot a domain containing the 2222A adapter.
The installed domain boot disk will also fail to boot if the patch is
not applied. The result in both cases will be a Dstop with the the
following failure signature.
The console will show output similar to this,
Sun Fire 15000, using IOSRAM based Console
Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.3, 8192 MB memory installed, Serial #50331647.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:f3:f2:4, Host ID: 82ffffff.
Rebooting with command: boot man-net -s
Boot device: /pci@1c,700000/network@3,1 File and args: -s
Using Onboard Transceiver - Link Up.
Server IP address:
Client IP address:
Using Onboard Transceiver - Link Up.
SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-11 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Configuring /dev and /devices
The dxs disconnected.
Trying to connect...
and the Dstop will have a wfail similar to this,
redxl> wfail
SDI EX00/S0 Master_Stop_Status0[31:0] = 4000000F
MStop0[3:0]: All SDI logic is DStopped + Recordstopped.
SDI EX00/S0 Dstop0[31:0] = 000C8008
Dstop0[18]: D DARB texp requests Slot1 Dstop (M)
Dstop0[19]: D 1E SDI internal core requested Dstop
SDI EX00/S0 Core_Error0[31:0] = 02008200 Mask = 0051FFFF
CoreErr0[25]: D 1E Command pool timeout, non-split exp (M)
valid_{slot_wr[1:0],read}_TO = 1 (rev 4+)
{cmd_pool_loc[5:0],cmd4io,retired,half_used} = 024
FAIL EXB EX0: Dstop/Rstop detected by SDI EX0/S0.
Primary service FRU is EXB EX0.
SDI EX04/S0: Slot 0 port is DStopped, SDI is RStopped, requested by DARB.
DARB C0: enabled ports (expanders) [17:0]: 00011
DARB C0: other darb req Dstop+Rstop for exps[17:0]: 00001
DARB C1: enabled ports (expanders) [17:0]: 00011
DARB C1: other darb req Dstop+Rstop for exps[17:0]: 00001
109885 or higher should be applied to either the F15K domain
where the 2222A PCI Card is to be installed or to the Jumpstart Server
for that domain before installation of Solaris 8 10/01.
To determine if the patch has been applied to the JumpStart Server
the root directory must be located. Change to the var/sadm/patch
directory from the JumpStart Server root and look for a directory named
109885. Existence of the directory indicates the patch is installed.
For example,
% ls /export/install/8/s28_u6/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot/var/sadm/patch
If the domain OS has already been installed, the 'showrev' command
should be used to determine if the patch is applied. While booted from
the domain's boot disk, use the command 'showrev -p | grep 109885' to
determine if patch
109885 is applied prior to installing the 2222A
PCI adapter.
Alternatively, Solaris 8 Update 7, which includes patch
109885, may
be installed on the JumpStart Server and domain boot disk. Customers
are strongly encouraged to upgrade to Solaris 8 Update 7 to resolve
this issue.
The root cause for this problem is that the glm driver in patches lower
109885 cannot properly function with the 2222A PCI adapter.
See bug 4480008 for details. Patch
109885 for the glm driver was
released on Feb 20, 2002. Manufacturing will pre-install Solaris 8
Update 7, which includes Patch
109885, at a future date.
| | MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
| X | REACTIVE (As Required)
An Authorized Enterprise Services Field Representative may avoid the
above mentioned problems by following the recommendations as shown
When installing a 2222A Adapter into an F15K domain, follow these
1. Install or upgrade to Solaris 8 Update 7 before installing the
2. For an existing Solaris 8 10/01 (U6) installation, install Patch
109885 before installing the 2222A Adapter. See details below.
3. For a new OS installation of Solaris 8 10/01 (U6), add Patch
109885 to the domain after installing the OS, or add Patch
to the Jumpstart Server when doing a net install. Then install the
2222A Adapter. See details below.
Existing Solaris 8 Update 6 Domain Boot Disks:
Existing domain boot disks should apply patch
109885 or higher
before the 2222A adapter is inserted into the domain. Download the
patch from SunSolve and follow the "Patch Installation Instructions."
Make certain to also read and follow the "Special Install
For example;
# patchadd
Checking installed patches...
Verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)...
Installing patch packages...
Patch number
109885 has been successfully installed.
See /var/sadm/patch/109885-08/log for details
Patch packages installed:
Solaris 8 Update 6 JumpStart Servers:
109885 or higher should be applied to the JumpStart Server
boot directory for net booting. The below example demonstrates
the procedure.
# patchadd -C /export/install/8/s28_u6/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot
Checking installed patches...
Verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)...
Installing patch packages...
Patch number
109885 has been successfully installed.
for details.
Patch packages installed:
It is also possible for patches to be automatically applied during
the JumpStart installation. This must be set up on the JumpStart
Server with a Finish Script. See detailed instructions in the
"Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide."
If the patch is not set up to be automatically applied during the
JumpStart installation, the patch should be manually applied prior
to any boot attempts from the disk.
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to
contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical
support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their
respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the
need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.