Document fins/I0773-1
FIN #: I0773-1
SYNOPSIS: HDS Alert #21 contains recommended fix for incompatibility of
Interbase database revisions between Graph-Track 4.06 and HiCommand
DATE: Feb/14/02
KEYWORDS: HDS Alert #21 contains recommended fix for incompatibility of
Interbase database revisions between Graph-Track 4.06 and HiCommand
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: HDS Alert #21 contains recommended fix for incompatibility of
Interbase database revisions between Graph-Track 4.06 and
Sun Alert: No
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Storage / Service
Systems Affected
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
- ANYSYS ALL System Platform Independent -
X-Options Affected
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
T8-DKC415I-5 SE9910 ALL Sun StorEdge 9910 -
T8-DKC415I-5 SE9960 ALL Sun StorEdge 9960 -
XT8-044-100288-01 - - SE9900 HiCommand S/W Base -
XT8-044-100281-01A - - SE9900 HiCmmnd S/W 1TB Lic -
XT8-044-100282-01B - - SE9900 HiCmmnd S/W 2-3TB Lic -
XT8-044-100283-01C - - SE9900 HiCmmnd S/W 4-7TB Lic -
XT8-044-100284-01D - - SE9900 HiCmmnd S/W 8-15TB Lic -
XT8-044-100285-01E - - SE9900 HiCmmnd S/W 16-31TB Lic -
XT8-044-100286-01F - - SE9900 HiCmmnd S/W 32-63TB Lic -
XT8-044-100040-01 - - SE9900 Resource Mgr. S/W Base -
XT8-044-100209-01A - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. 1TB Lic -
XT8-044-100210-01B - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. 2-3TB Lic -
XT8-044-100211-01C - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. 4-7TB Lic -
XT8-044-100212-01D - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. 8-15TB Lic -
XT8-044-100213-01E - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. 16-31TB Lic -
XT8-044-100214-01F - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. 32-63TB Lic -
XT8-044-100132-01 - - SE9900 Rsrc. Mgr. Trial Lic -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
- - -
DOC: HDS 9900 Alert #21: Graph-Track 4.06 incompatible with HiCommand
This FIN provides a description of, and recommended fix for, Hitachi Data
Systems Alert #21: Incompatibility of Interbase database revisions
between Graph-Track 4.06 and HiCommand.
Due to incompatibilities with the revisions of Interbase between the
HiCommand and Graph-Track products, caution must be exercised when
installing either product if the other product is already installed and
Incompatibility of Interbase data base revisions between Graph-Track
4.06 and HiCommand exist such that if either product is currently running,
and the other product is installed, a permanent failure of the original
installed and running product will occur.
HiCommand requires Interbase (GDS32.dll) at core rev level and
Graph-Track 4.06 uses Interbase at core rev level
Graph-Track 5.0, once released, uses the same Interbase revision
( as HiCommand.
Sun StorEdge 9900 HiCommand Software is a storage management framework
which provides open and intuitive tools for streamlined storage
management. This software configures, monitors, and tunes via a single
intuitive GUI over an IP connection device. This software makes it
easy to monitor and track usage by project or by application. It works
at the logical or physical level.
Graph-Track provides a graphical user interface showing performance
data for up to 8 connected subsystems. Graph-Track also has a variety
of features enabling customers to gain greater control over the
performance of their storage subsystem environment.
Determining Product Version:
Both packages will be installed under the C:\ drive, i.e.,
C:\graphtrackR4. Graphtrack revisions can be displayed via the
Adminstrator panel. Use the maintenance tab and then the Magnifier
icon to display revision information for build level, patches, etc.
The display is slightly different between rev 5 and rev 4.06. To
display the version of both Graphtrack and HiCommand, do a find on the
GDS32.dll and select properties, then display the version tab.
Enterprise Services representatives should be aware of the
incompatibility issues involving Graph-Track and HiCommand and should
not install either product on a customer system unless they first check
to see if either product is already installed and what the current
product revision is. Also, should a problem arise where both products
were mistakenly installed, Enterprise Services should utilize the
Corrective Action below as a recommended fix.
| | MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
| X | REACTIVE (As Required)
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned problem.
Because there are 2 separate software packages, there are 4
combinations of installation and / or problem scenarios which may arise
depending on the order of installation. Following are these 4
HiCommand pre-exists on a subsystem (is installed and running)
and Graph-Track 4.0.6 is to be installed on the subsystem.
. Stop HiCommand if it is running.
. Deinstall the Interbase Server and Interclient according to the
instructions in the HiCommand Server Installation and Configuration
. The HiCommand database will not be affected and stays intact.
. Install Graph-Track 4.06.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE program (located on the HiCommand CDROM) and
see the MIGRATEDB.TXT file for instructions.
. Reinstall the Interbase Server and Client according to the instructions
in the HiCommand Guide.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE again to restore the original Graph-Track
databases to the updated version per instructions.
Graph-Track 4.06 pre-exists on a subsystem (is installed and
running) and HiCommand is to be installed on the subsystem.
. Stop Graph-Track 4.06 if it is running.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE program (located on the HiCommand CDROM).
. See the MIGRATEDB.TXT file for instructions.
. Install HiCommand according to the instructions in the HiCommand
Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE again to restore the original Graph-Track
databases to the updated version per the instructions.
Graph-Track 4.06 pre-exists on a subsystem (is installed and
running). HiCommand is installed on the subsystem without
using solution 2. In this situation, both Graph-Track and
HiCommand will not run.
. Stop Graph-Track and HiCommand if they are running.
. Deinstall the Interbase Server and Interclient according to the
instruction in the HiCommand Server Installation and Configuration
. The databases used by Graph-Track are still intact.
. To save them, copy all of the Graph-Track 4.06 databases to a temporary
. If not saved, the databases will be overwritten.
. The databases can normally be found in the directory C:\GRAPHTRACKR4
and in the subfolders LIVE, DEMO and possibly VIEW under the
GRAPHTRACKR4\GTR4IB directory and all of the database files have
an extension of GDB.
. There are at least 2 database files in the GRAPHTRACKR4 directory:
. In the LIVE, DEMO and possibly the VIEW directories, and possibly
subdirectories, there may be several GDB files.
. The databases should be copied to the same folder structure as they
were copied from, LIVE databases should be copied into a LIVE folder,
DEMO into a DEMO folder, etc.
. After all of the databases have been copied, reinstall Graph-Track 4.06.
. Copy all of the temp database files back to the original directories
that they were copied from, ie: DEMO to DEMO, LIVE to LIVE, etc.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE program (located on the HiCommand CDROM).
. See the MIGRATEDB.TXT file for instructions.
. Install Hi-Command according to the instructions in the HiCommand
Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE program (located on the HiCommand CDROM).
. See the MIGRATEDB.TXT file for instructions.
. Reinstall the Interbase Server and Client according to the instruction
in the HiCommand Guide.
. Run MIGRATEDB.EXE again to restore the original Graph-Track databases
to the updated version per the instructions.
HiCommand pre-exists on a subsystem (is installed and running) and
Graph-Track 4.06 is installed on the subsystem without using
solution 1.
. Stop HiCommand and Graph-Track if they are running.
. Deinstall the Interbase Server and Interclient according to the
instructions in the HiCommand Server Installation and Configuration
. Reinstall Graph-Track 4.06.
. Run the MIGRATEDB.EXE program (located on the HiCommand CDROM).
See the MIGRATEDB.TXT file for instructions.
. Reinstall the Interbase Server and Client according to the instructions
in the HiCommand Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
. Run MIGRATEDB.EXE again to restore the Graph-Track databases to the
updated version per the instructions.
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to
contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical
support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their
respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the
need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.