Document fins/I0758-1

FIN #: I0758-1

SYNOPSIS: L20/L40/L60 tape libraries should be updated to the latest released
          firmware level to address known product issues and to ensure new FRUs
          are compatible with installed systems

DATE: Apr/17/02

KEYWORDS: L20/L40/L60 tape libraries should be updated to the latest released
          firmware level to address known product issues and to ensure new FRUs
          are compatible with installed systems

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS: L20/L40/L60 tape libraries should be updated to the latest 
	  released firmware level to address known product issues and
	  to ensure new FRUs are compatible with installed systems.

Sun Alert:          No

PRODUCT_REFERENCE:  Firmware on the L20/L40/L60 Tape Drive  
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Storage / Tape

Systems Affected
Mkt_ID      Platform      Model       Description                  Serial
------      --------      -----       -----------                 
  -          ANYSYS         -         SYSTEM PLATFORM INDEPENDENT        -

X-Options Affected
Mkt_ID            Platform   Model   Description                   Serial
------            --------   -----   -----------                  
SG-XLIBDLT7*          -	       -     StorEdge L20 Drive Assembly         -
SG-XLIBDLT8*          -	       -     StorEdge L20 Drive Assembly         -
SG-XLIBLTO*           -        -     StorEdge L20 Drive Assembly         -
SG-XLIBLTO2R-L40      -        -     LTO LIB 2DR/40 CART/RACK            -
SG-XLIBLTO2-L40	      -        -     LTO LIB 2DR/40 CART/DESK            -
SG-XLIBLTO4R-L60      -        -     StorEdge L60 4-Drive Rackmount      -


Part Number   	Description   				Model
-----------  	-----------   				-----
F370-4174-01    L20 LIBRARY CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY           -
F370-4175-02    L20 REMOTE MGMT CARD                      -
F370-4177-01    L20 PICKER/TRANSLATE ASSEMBLY             -


BugId:   4332240 - L20 Library performing a successful retry when REZERO 
                   command is executed.
         4470286 - L20 is encountering "Firmware update needed" message
                   the FRU exchange.
         4477293 - L20/L40 with DLT8000 drive happen the hangup under the 
                   Test Magazine Move test.
         4477436 - L60 tape library fail to load unload cartridge. 
         4506719 - potential data corruption problem due to defective 
                   SRAM components used in the DLT8000 tape drive.
         4636180 - robtest fails after upgrading firmware on L40 jukebox 
	 4635994 - firmware is inconsistent, breaks netbackup functionality.
PatchId: 111972 or higher - L20/L40/L60 robotics firmware upgrade.

FIN:     I0729-1
ECO:     WO_21462
         WO_22735 - LTO drive release and 1.33.S FW. 
ESC:     531545 - L20/L40 with DLT8000 drive happen the hangup under the Test 
                  Magazine Move test.
         528684 - NetBackup failing to restore data from an L700.
         535278 - Lose tape drives after loading 1.33s firmware.  NBU  
                  no longer works (library firmware was resetting the  
                  SCSI IDs to default values).

URL:     http://rmqual.ebay/Products/L20/index.html


Sun Engineering has produced a new Patch 111972 which provides the
current and recommended firmware version (1.33.S) for the L20/L40/L60
Tape Libraries.  Note; to upgrade from FW version 1.05.S to the version
1.33.S requires that L20/L40/L60 Tape Libraries go thru a two step
upgrade process.  The first step being a Firmware upgrade to version
1.25.S.  After successfully upgrading to version 1.25.S, perform the
second step, upgrading from 1.25.S to Firmware version 1.33.S.


   | FROM     |	TO	|	  PROCESS                  |
   | 1.05.S   | 1.33.S	| 1. UPGRADE FROM 1.05.S TO 1.25.S |
   |	      |         | 2. UPGRADE FROM 1.25.S TO 1.33.S |
   | 1.25.S   |	1.33.S	| UPGRADE FROM 1.25.S TO 1.33.S    |
Firmware version 1.33.S is released via patch 11972-03.  The ReadMe
file for patch 111972 has been rewritten, and it now documents the
full process for upgrading the Firmware.  This includes information on
the pre- upgrade and initial library and drive settings, as well as
information on rechecking the settings after upgrading the Firmware.
This will assist the field with any needed post upgrade changes such as
performing manual setting resets.

Firmware version 1.33.s 

NOTE: When replacing certain FRUs in a Sun StorEdge L20/L40/L60 Tape
Library, failure to update the firmware may result in the tape library
becoming non-functional.  This problem is triggered by a firmware
mismatch between different components in the library.  The affected
FRUs which may contain conflicting versions of firmware are:

	370-4177-xx  Picker/Translator Assembly  
	370-4174-xx  Library Controller  
	370-4175-xx  RMC (Remote Management Control) Card  
All three of these components must contain the same version of
firmware.  When a new FRU is installed with a different version, the
library may display a "Partial-availability error" or "Firmware
needed" and there will appear to be a hardware problem.  The library
may be non-functional.     
The supply vendor rolls the FW levels on multiple FRUs for these tape
libraries as part of their standard process.  FRUs found in Sun parts
stocking locations may contain firmware which is incompatible with
installed tape libraries.  The supply vendor recommends that the
firmware be reloaded and "synched" across the library when a new FRU 
is installed.


        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)


The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above 
mentioned problem.
Schedule time with your customers to arrange for applying Patch
111972 or higher to all StorEdge L20/L40/L60 Tape Libraries.  The
patch README provides detailed instructions for performing this
firmware upgrade.  If upgrading from Firmware level 1.05.S to Firmware
level 1.33.S, advise your customer that this will require two firmware
installs.  Consult the patch README file for full details.

If your customer has not upgraded all L20/L40/L60 Tape Libraries to
Firmware level 1.33.S advise your customer that this Firmware level is
required when installing the following FRUs. 

	370-4177-xx  Picker/Translator Assembly  
	370-4174-xx  Library Controller  
	370-4175-xx  RMC (Remote Management Control) Card  

This will unify the library with the newest firmware levels for the
Library Controller, Picker/Translate Assembly, and RMC Card.



Implementation Footnote:
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

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