Document fins/I0729-1

FIN #: I0729-1

SYNOPSIS: Under rare circumstances, DLT8000 drives with Cypress SRAMs are
          susceptible to silent data corruption and/or read errors

DATE: Oct/11/01

KEYWORDS: Under rare circumstances, DLT8000 drives with Cypress SRAMs are
          susceptible to silent data corruption and/or read errors

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS: Under rare circumstances, DLT8000 drives with Cypress SRAMs 
          are susceptible to silent data corruption and/or read errors.
Sun Alert:          Yes
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Storage / SW Admin ; Storage / Tape 
Systems Affected
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description                    Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------                    -------------
  -      ANYSYS       -     SYSTEM INDEPENDENT PLATFORM          -
X-Options Affected
Mkt_ID           Platform   Model   Description                Serial Number
------           --------   -----   -----------                -------------
SFSASSII1030*       -         -     DLT8000 drive/L20 series         -    
SFSEWP594*          -         -     DLT8000 drive/L20 series         -
SG-XLIBDLT8*        -         -     DLT8000 drive/L20 series         - 
SFSEWP5952P         -         -     DLT8000 LIB 4DR/60CART/RACK      -
SG-XLIBDLT84R-L60   -         -     DLT8000 LIB 4DR/60CART/RACK      -
SFSASSII1090RW      -         -     StorEdge L9 Autoloader           -
SFSEWP5267P         -         -     StorEdge L9 Autoloader           -
SG-XAUTODLT8D-L9    -         -     StorEdge L9 Autoloader           -
SFSASSII1030LV      -         -     TAPE 40GB DLT8000 FLEXIPACK      -
SFSEWP6198P         -         -     TAPE 40GB DLT8000 FLEXIPACK      -      
SG-XTAPDLT-022A     -         -     TAPE 40GB DLT8000 FLEXIPACK      -
@E4503-BT-1         -         -     E4500 RR BASE-72-in BT           -

Part Number              Description                           Model
-----------              -----------                           -----
380-0383-01	         OEM L9 DLT 8000 DRV ASSY                -
390-0031-02 or lower     DRV DLT8000 MED GREY                    -
540-4400-01              ASSY TT DR ASSY DLT8000                 -
599-2347-01              TOGO TALL DLT8000 TAPE UNIT             -
595-5365-01              X-OPT DLT8000 TOGOTALL MED G            - 
BugId:       4506719 - potential data corruption problem due to defective 
                       SRAM components used in the DLT8000 tape drive.

PatchId:     112068 - StorEdge L9 and L20/L40/L60: Hardware, DLT8000 
         		 tape drive.
             112067 - Hardware, Flexipack DLT8000, desktop tape drive.
ECO:         WO_21462

LEAP:        1786
WW StopShip: P001-20004 
SUN ALERT:   28490
URL:         http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/FIN/FINI0729-1_dir/CustList.US.sdc


Under rare circumstances, DLT8000 drives with Cypress SRAMs are
susceptible to silent data corruption and/or read errors.  This may
result in a customer restoring corrupted data leading to unpredictable
system or application performance.  
a. SRAM failure during WRITE/READ: (Silent Data Corruption)
When the SRAM fails during a Write operation, there is a CRC mismatch
that occurs between the input to the SRAM and output of the SRAM that
goes undetected.  This results in corrupted data bits being stored on
tape.  A subsequent Read of this incorrectly written data will occur
with no error indications.
b. SRAM failure during READ, reading a tape with good data: (Read Error)
The SRAM could fail during a READ operation (reading a tape with good
data).  In this event, the drive will "Bugcheck" and halt the Read
operation.  The drive will log a Bugcheck 9049 in the internal "Last n
Errors Events Page" (Log Page 07h).  In this scenario, the data on tape
can be considered good.
Based on the manufacturer's field return data, the failure rate
observed to date is less than 0.03%.
NOTE: To date, there have been no escalations from Sun customers 
      seeing this failure mode.
This issue is fixed with the install of new firmware.  The new firmware
will verify via CRC checking, that no data corruption of the tape
backup took place through the SRAM failure.  In the event that a CRC
mismatch occurs, the drive will not perform the Write operation to
tape, and will notify the user via a SCSI Check Condition, that the
drive has failed.
Short of running a separate Verify/Compare pass at the backup application
level, using this new firmware is the only way to ensure the integrity
of the backup.

        | X |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above 
mentioned problem.

Please adhere to the following guidelines and take an appropriate
  1. Install FW level v59 via PatchId# 112068 on L9, L20, L40 and
     L60 products.


  2. Storage Tech libraries will be handled by Storage Tech Service 
     personnel, who will use v80 firmware.


  3. Install FW level v80 via PatchId# 112067 on all DLT8000
     Flexipack Tape products.
The patch README provides detailed instructions to create a firmware
update and then upgrade a firmware of the DLT8000 tape drive. 

  4. Post FW upgrade instructions:
     As a best practice, the site should make fresh back-ups to 
     ensure all data is current and accurate.

In the event that the backup is not successful possibly due to on
SRAM failure, the system will notify the user via a SCSI Check 
Condition that the drive has failed.  In this case the drive is
defective and need replacement.  
To identify the affected DLT8000 tape drive, use following method: 

NOTE: Use a script (example-explorer) which can complete the SCSI 
      Inquiry command and run the script.  Or use the 'tload' utility
      supplied with either patch.
     Example (of SCSI inquiry output):
     <host_name # ./inquiry
     /dev/rdsk/c1t6d0s2: Device busy
     |           | Vendor  |   Product        | Rev  | Serial Number |
     | 0: c0t0d0 | FUJITSU | MAB3091S SUN9.0G | 1806 | 9830K70442    |
     | 1: c0t1d0 | SEAGATE | ST39173W SUN9.0G | 2815 | 024296        |
     | 2: c0t2d0 | SEAGATE | ST39173W SUN9.0G | 2815 | 025993        |
     | 3: c0t3d0 | SEAGATE | ST39173W SUN9.0G | 2815 | 024246        |
     | 4: c3t0d0 | FUJITSU | MAB3091S SUN9.0G | 1806 | 9830K70493    | 
     | 5: c3t1d0 | SEAGATE | ST39173W SUN9.0G | 2815 | 025898        |
     | 6: c4t0d0 | SEAGATE | ST39173W SUN9.0G | 2815 | 024471        |
     | 7: rmt/0ln| QUANTUM | DLT8000          | 0214 | 3             |
     | 8: rmt/1ln| QUANTUM | DLT8000          | 022C | ,             | 
     <host_name # 
  4. Identify the DLT8000 devices.  In the example above:
     7: rmt/0ln     QUANTUM    DLT8000              0214    3 
     8: rmt/1ln     QUANTUM    DLT8000              022C    ,
  5. Identify the firmware levels by looking at the 'Rev' column.
     In the example above these are in hexadecimal notation:
 		Node		Rev
                ----            ---
  		7: rmt/0ln	0214
  		8: rmt/1ln	022C
  6. Take the two least significant digits of this hexidecimal
     number and convert it to decimal.  In the example above:
 		Node		Hex F/W Level	        Dec F/W Level
                ----            -------------           -------------
  		7: rmt/0ln	14	  --------> 	20	
  		8: rmt/1ln	2C	  --------> 	44
  7. Thus:
       Node7, /dev/rmt/0, has V20 firmware revision loaded.
       Node8, /dev/rmt/1, has V44 firmware revision loaded.

     These drives should be updated with patchId# 112068 because
     their firmware version is below 59.

CUSTOMER LETTER: Reference the following URL for the Customer Letter;


CUSTOMER LIST: Reference the following URLs for lists of affected        
               customer shipments;

Implementation Footnote:
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.