Document fins/I0700-1

FIN #: I0700-1

SYNOPSIS: FC Switch f/w level must be checked to install or replace StorEdge
          Network FC Switch into a SAN Config.

DATE: Jul/27/01

KEYWORDS: FC Switch f/w level must be checked to install or replace StorEdge
          Network FC Switch into a SAN Config.

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS:  FC Switch firmware level must be checked when installing or
           replacing a StorEdge Network FC Switch into a SAN configuration.    

Sun Alert:          No

PRODUCT_REFERENCE:  FC Switch Firmware Level  
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Storage / Service 

Mkt_ID     Platform     Model     Description                 Serial Number
------     --------     -----     -----------                 -------------
Systems Affected
  -        ANYSYS         -       System Platform Independent        -         

X-Options Affected
X6744          -          -       StorEdge Network FC Switch-8       -
X6746          -          -       StorEdge Network FC Switch-8       -
SG-XSW16-32P   -          -       StorEdge Network FC Switch-16      -


Part Number     Description                   Model
-----------     -----------                   ----- 
370-4276-02     16-PORT SWITCH PYTHON           -    
370-4035-01     SWITCH 8-PORT FC-AL             -
540-4372-02     ASSY 8-PORT FCA1 SWITCH         -
540-4751-03     ASSY 16-PORT SWITCH             -




StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and StorEdge Network FC Switch-16 products
installed in a Storage Area Network (SAN) configuration must have the
proper level of firmware installed for proper operation.  All switches
in the SAN must contain matching firmware versions.  Failure to verify
and install the correct switch firmware when installing or replacing
switches in a SAN can cause the switch to fail.  It is important that
the firmware of existing switches in a SAN and any replacement switch
be checked for compatibility when installing a new switch into the SAN

Sun Logistics is now stocking two FRU's for these SAN switches.  The
8-port switch supports 3 firmware versions and the 16-port switch
supports 2 versions of firmware.  The three firmware versions provide
different functionality and are the result of a 3-phase engineering
development process which means that the engineering development teams
strategy for adding more complex configurations throughout the program
are broke down to phases.  This is the third phase of the program.

|Switch Type| FRU P/N  | Sun P/N     | F/W Name | Version | F/W File      |
|Switch-8   | 540-4372 | 370-4035-xx | Cobra	| 3.02.67 | m08030267.fls |
|           |          |	     | Mamba	| 3.03.51 | m08b30351.fls |
|           |	       |             | Python	| 3.04.60 | m08030460.fls |
|Switch-16  | 540-4751 | 370-4276-xx | Mamba	| 3.03.51 | m16b30351.fls |
|           |	       |	     | Python	| 3.04.60 | m16030460.fls |
     Note: The 16-port switch does not support Cobra firmware.

     Note: The Cobra, Mamba, and Python is not a System Code names.  
           These are firmware code names.

Due to the cost to Sun of stocking multiple FRU's in order to provide
switches with various firmware levels, it has been decided to only
stock one FRU for each switch (8 or 16 port).  The FRU's in Logistics
stock may have any of the three firmware versions, depending on when
they were manufactured.

This makes it necessary for Field personnel to verify and possibly
upgrade or downgrade the firmware on a new switch to match the firmware
of existing switches in a SAN.  Field Engineers should follow the
procedures in the Corrective Action section to verify and upgrade or
downgrade switch firmware.

Downgrade firmware is recommended only in a situation where a FRU that 
ships with Python firmware is to be used in a Mamba configuration.  Not 
all customers will upgrade to the current firmware level if what they 
have installed meets their requirements.

        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)

The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives when installing a new switch
or while replacing an existing switch in the SAN Configuration. 

Steps to follow:

1)  Switch firmware must be updated to match the other switches in the
    SAN before the switch is connected to a SAN.  The first step is
    to assess the firmware revision on the FRU.  If the FRU package has
    not previously been opened, this can be accomplished by comparing
    the Sun part number (370-xxxx-xx) to the part number/firmware
    reference table below.  The 8-port switch will have a part number
    of 370-4035-xx and the 16-port switch will have a part number of
    370-4276-xx.  The dash level of the part (-01, -02, -03) determines
    the firmware version.  NOTE that the Sun part number is a reliable
    indicator of firmware revision on the switch only if the FRU has
    not previously been opened or used.

2)  Identify the firmware version in use in the customers configuration.  
    Obtain this via the switch faceplate display screen of the Switch
    GUI.  The firmware revision will be displayed in the switch status
    box near the upper right corner of the screen.

3)  If you cannot confirm the firmware revision of the FRU via step 2, 
    or if the switch firmware version doesn't match the customer's
    configuration, proceed with the firmware update process starting with 
    step 4 below.

4)  Connect the switch to a Solaris workstation outside the SAN.  See 
    details below.  The firmware update procedure will require temporary
    installation of the Switch GUI on the workstation.

5)  Obtain the firmware and GUI files:

    The firmware and GUI files may be accessible at the customer site
    via the CD that was delivered with the SAN product.  If a CD is not
    available, or if the customer SAN configuration has been updated
    since original shipment, the GUI and firmware files should be
    obtained from the following URL:


    When the Python firmware is Revenue Released, the firmware and GUI
    will be available and can be downloaded from the SunSolve.

Out-of-the-box FC Switch Part Number and Firmware level matrix.       

For 8-port switch:
|Internal | Product     |                    |          |              |
|F/W Name | Revision ** | Sun PN             | FW level | FW file      |
|Cobra    | 1.0         | 370-4035-01 Rev 50 | 3.02.67  | m08030267.fls|
|         |             |                    |          |              |
|Mamba    | 2.0 / 2.1   | 370-4035-02 Rev 50 | 3.03.51  | m08b30351.fls|
|         |             |                    |          |              |
|Python   | 3.0         | 370-4035-03 Rev 50 | 3.04.60  | m08030460.fls|
For 16-port switch:
|Internal | Product     |                    |          |              |
|F/W Name | Revision ** | Sun PN             | FW level | FW file      |
|Mamba    | 2.0 / 2.1   | 370-4276-01 Rev 50 | 3.03.51  | m16b30351.fls|
|         |             |                    |          |              |
|Python   | 3.0         | 370-4276-02 Rev 50 | 3.04.60  | m16030460.fls|

** Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch revision number

             | Upgrade/Downgrade Procedures |
Here are all the versions of GUI and firmware with related code names:

Codename                   Cobra       Mamba        Python
--------                   -----       -----        ------
GUI version                2.06.16     2.07.54      2.08.22 or later
Firmware version           30267       30351        30457 or later

This document covers the following possible combinations of 

   . Cobra upgrade to either Mamba or Python firmware
   . Mamba upgrade to Python firmware
   . Python downgrade to Mamba firmware
No other combinations are supported or tested.

The following procedure is to be performed on a switch that is
standalone.  It must NOT be connected to a SAN.  Before performing the
update procedure, place the workstation and switch on a private IP
address segment.  The instructions must be performed in the following 

The recommended GUI is the Python GUI which supports both Mamba and
Python firmware. Cobra firmware is not supported.

1. Determine if there is a GUI already installed.
   # pkginfo -l SUNWsmgr | grep VERSION

   If the GUI is not installed you will see the following error:
   ERROR: information for "SUNWsmgr" was not found

   In this case, you must install the Python GUI as described below in
   step 3 under "Installing the Python GUI".

2) If the GUI is already installed on the workstation, use the following
   steps to shutdown, backup and remove the GUI if it is not a Python
   version, and then install the Python GUI.

   a) Shut down any running GUI versions.

   b) Make a backup copy of the current installation just to be safe!
        # cd /usr/opt
        # tar cf mamba_or_cobra.tar SUNWsmgr

   c) Remove the current package instance of the GUI.
        # pkgrm SUNWsmgr

   d) Use the "Installing the Python GUI" instructions below to install

      the GUI.

Note: Ensure that you have the correct firmware files on your workstation
      if you are up/downgrading the switch firmware before proceeding.
      It is recommended that you store all of your firmware files under

3) Installing the Python GUI:

   a) Obtain software distribution for the GUI. 

   b) Go to the directory which contains the SUNWsmgr distribution 
      and install the software package:
         # pkgadd -d SUNWsmgr

      Respond Yes to all questions, or press the Enter key to accept
      the default answers.

4) Before Performing Switch Maintenance:

   In the following steps we will be reconfiguring the workstation's IP 
   address and placing the switch into the FORCED PROM mode. 

   A. Reconfiguring the workstation's IP address:

      a) Save the workstations network configuration information.
          # ifconfig -a > /tmp/save_address

      b) Verify the saved information.
          # cat /tmp/save_address

      c) Reconfigure the workstations IP address and netmask. 
          # ifconfig hme0 netmask up

      d) Verify the change.
          # ifconfig -a

   B. Enabling FORCED PROM mode on the switch:

      In this section we briefly use FORCED PROM mode so that the switch 
      can use firmware stored in PROM rather than flash memory while we 
      configure the switch IP address.

      a) Using the Force PROM Button (16_Port switch):
         The Force PROM button is on the back panel of the switch chassis
         below port 16.

         i) Isolate the switch chassis from the fabric and turn the power
            switch off.

         ii) Press and hold the Force PROM button, then turn the power 
             switch on. Allow the switch to complete the POST, then release 
             the Force PROM button (this should take approximately 5-10 
         iii) Observe the heartbeat LED for error codes (5 blinks is normal
              when in Force PROM mode). Correct conditions or reconfigure 
              the switch as required.

      b) Using the Test Mode Switch (8_Port switch):
         The test mode switch is a small rotary switch located on the back
         of the switch chassis. The test mode switch position determines 
         which operating mode the switch enters when the switch chassis is
         powered up. Normal operation is indicated by the alignment of the
         small notch on the test mode switch with the dot on the faceplate.
         Use a small screwdriver to change test mode switch positions.
         CAUTION: The rotary switch is very delicate and must be handled 
                  with care. Use the normal position as a reference and 
                  count the number of clicks (1 click per position). These
                  clicks are not audible and are best detected by feel.

         i) Using a small screwdriver, rotate the test mode switch four 
            clicks clockwise to the Force PROM position.

         ii) Turn the power switch off for three seconds, and then back on
             to reset the switch chassis.

         iii) Observe the heartbeat LED for error codes (5 blinks is normal
              when in Force PROM mode). If you do not observe the blink 
              code, re-align the small notch on the test mode switch with 
              the dot on the faceplate and return to step 1.

         iv) Rotate the test mode switch four clicks counter-clockwise to 
             the normal operating position.

   C. Plug the switch into the same ethernet segment or subnet as the 
      workstation and verify connectivity to the switch.

          # ping

      If the ping fails, replace the local area network with a crossover cable
      between the switch and the workstations ethernet port. This is 
      documented in the "SANBox 8/16 Switch Management User's Manual"
in the 
      "Switch Preparation" section under the "Using a Crossover
Cable" steps.

   D. You can now perform maintenance on the switch.

5) Switch Maintenance (updating the firmware and configuring IP addresses):

   1. Start the GUI and login to the switch:
      a) /usr/opt/SUNWsmgr/bin/esm_smgr
      b) Log in using the username su and the password su.
      c) When the Fabric screen appears, enter for the IP 
         address of the switch.
      d) Double click the PROM logo under the status column.

      To update the firmware, from the "Switch Faceplate" display, pull
      "Special", and select "Update Flash".  Select the
appropriate firmware
      file from the /usr/opt/SUNWsmgr/flash directory and click OK.  Files
      beginning with m08 are for 8-port switches, and m16 are for 16-port
      switches.  The numbers after the switch port designation are the
      revision numbers. Refer to the chart at the top of this document for
      the appropriate firmware version number.  After the firmware is loaded,
      please reset the switch.  Return to FORCED PROM mode as documented
      above because the switch reset will put the switch into normal
      operation.  From the fabric screen double click the PROM logo under 
      the status column once it returns to a non-red state.

6) Verifying the Firmware Version:

   To verify the firmware version, from the Switch Faceplate Display
   screen in the GUI you must examine the switch status box near the upper
   right hand corner of the screen. The firmware version number will be
   displayed there.

7) Configuring the Switch IP Address:

   Once you have verified the firmware, you can configure the IP address
   of the switch and then restore the workstation's IP address. NOTE: You
   have the choice of assigning the switch an IP address or leaving the
   address as  Only assign an address if the switch is at it
   final destination on the network.

8) Configure the Network Information using the GUI:

   Double click on the RJ45 (ethernet) port on the switch faceplate
   picture.  You are now at the Network Configuration screen. You can now
   enter/verify the network configuration of the switch. Remember to click
   apply after filling in all of the fields.  This is covered in depth in
   the "SANBox 8/16 Switch Management User's Manual", in the
   Preparation" section under "To Activate Sansurfer to Modify a Switch

9) Reset the Switch:

   You can now reset the switch using the power button to return the
   switch to normal operating mode. You will observe the heartbeat LED
   blinking approximately once a second.

10) Restore the  Workstation IP Address:

    Now that the switch is in normal operating mode you can reconfigure the
    workstations IP address back to the value stored in /tmp/save_address.

       # ifconfig hme0 <ip address> netmask <orig netmask> up

11) Verify Configuration Changes:

    Verify that the change has been made by comparing the current
    configuration against the saved configuration:

       # ifconfig -a
       # cat /tmp/save_address

12) Verify the Switch:

    You can now proceed to verify the switches stage type and port
    configuration.  This subject is covered in Section 2 of the "SANBox
    8/16 Switch Management User's Manual" and is beyond the scope of this



Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO

Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.