Document fins/I0679-1

FIN #: I0679-1

SYNOPSIS: E10K SSP problem with restoring outdated ssp_backup files

DATE: Jul/16/01

KEYWORDS: E10K SSP problem with restoring outdated ssp_backup files

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS:  E10000 SSP's may fail POST when outdated ssp_backup 
           files are restored.

SunAlert:           No

PRODUCT_REFERENCE:  E10000 SSP versions 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Server / Service 


Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description           Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------           -------------

  -      E10000      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 10000      -
  -      SS5         ALL    SPARCstation5               -
  -      A21         ALL    Ultra 5                     -
  -      A26         ALL    Enterprise 250              -
  -      N21         ALL    Netra T1 AC200/DC200        -

X-Options Affected

2750A      -          -     E10000 SERVICE PROCESSOR    -
2752A      -          -     E10000 SERVICE PROCESSOR    -
2751A      -          -     E10000 SERVICE PROCESSOR    -      
2753A      -          -     E10000 SERVICE PROCESSOR    -       
2754A      -          -     E10000 SERVICE PROCESSOR    -          


Part Number   Description   Model
-----------   -----------   -----
    -              -         -


BugId:  4356858 - autoconfig fails and SSP unusable if previous SSP 
                  backup image restored.
        4365471 - ssp_restore overwrites newer files with older ones.
        4306874 - Patch should not be required prior to ssp_backup or 
                  ssp_upgrade to SSP 3.3.
        4377099 - Patch 108885 install fails to enable support for 
                  501-5693 system boards.

PatchId: 110420 - SSP 3.4: ssp_restore overwrites newer files with 
                     older ones.
         110421 - SSP 3.3: ssp_restore overwrites newer files with 
                     older ones.

ESC:    526911 

DOC:    806-2887-10: Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 user Guide.
        806-2888-10: Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 Reference manual.
        806-2886-10: Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 Installation Guide 
                     and Release Notes.
        806-4870-10: Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.4 user Guide.
        806-4871-10: Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.4 Reference manual.
        806-4872-10: Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.4 Installation Guide 
                     and Release Notes


Enterprise 10000 availability and stability may be negatively impacted
as a result of confusion over when to use the ssp_backup utility
leading to running the ssp_restore command that causes one or more
E10000 domains to fail POST.
Any time the configuration on the SSP changes, an ssp_backup must be
run.  Configuration changes include: 

  -Domains created/removed/modified. (Including DR)
  -Board location changes
  -New/upgraded/replaced hardware.
  -Autoconfig run
  -CB failover
  -SSP Patch installation.

Because certain system files are backed up with ssp_backup, an
ssp_restore can overwrite changes made after the backup was made.
Files affected include the scantool database and the ssp_resource file,
among others.

This problem normally occurs in one of the following two cases:

A. The user runs ssp_restore with an out of date backup file.

   This can be avoided by running ssp_backup whenever the SSP
   environment is changed so that the backup is up to date at all
   times.  This includes any configuration changes, domain
   additions/deletions, or DR.

B. The user runs ssp_restore after a patch installation, especially
   when the patch specifically updates the scantool database or the 
   ssp_resource file.  The scantool database files are located under 
   the /var/opt/SUNWssp/data/Ultra-Enterprise-10000/common directory.  
   The ssp_resource file can be found in the $SSPVAR/.ssp_private

   This can be avoided by NOT running ssp_restore after installing a

   When upgrading/installing SSP software, ssp_restore is typically run
   in order to restore the running SSP environment prior to the
   upgrade.  If reinstalling the SAME version of the SSP software,
   ssp_restore must be run BEFORE installing any patch. Then run
   ssp_backup AFTER the new patch is installed.

While patches 110420 (SSP 3.4) and 110421 (SSP 3.3) address some
restore overwriting issues, it is still necessary for ssp_backup to be
run after any configuration changes.

        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)


The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above 
mentioned problem:

If the scantool database has already been corrupted as a result of
restoring an out of date ssp_backup file, the user must perform the
following procedure in order to recover from the corruption:
  1. Type "showrev -p | grep SUNWssp" to display all the patches that 
     were installed on the SSP.

  2. Identify those patches that update the scantool database and 
     ssp_resource file (see above for locations) and remove them from 
     the SSP.

         # patchrm <patchID#>

  3. Re-install the removed patches; make sure to follow the instruction
     documented in the patch README files.

If the scantool database has not been corrupted, please adhere to the
following guidelines to avoid above mentioned problem:

  . Run ssp_backup after any configuration changes, domain 
    additions/deletions, or Dynamic Reconfiguration after the installing
    a Patch to upgrade SSP software.  

  . Before installing any new patch, run ssp_restore in order to restore  
    the running SSP environment prior to the upgrade. 



Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

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