Document fins/I0653-1

FIN #: I0653-1

SYNOPSIS: RSM Array Shelves with over 40-lbs may cause problem

DATE: May/08/01

KEYWORDS: RSM Array Shelves with over 40-lbs may cause problem

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS: RSM Array shelves may collapse under weights greater 
          than 40lbs (18.2kg), causing system damage or personal injury. 
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Storage / Service


Mkt_ID      Platform      Model     Description           Serial Number
------      --------      -----     -----------           -------------
Systems Affected

   -        E10000        ALL       Ultra Enterprise 10000       -

Mkt_ID      Platform          Model    Description                Serial Number
------      --------          -----    -----------                -------------
X-Options Affected
   -        A3000              ALL     StorEdge A3000 Array               -
   -        A3500              ALL     StorEdge A3500 Array               -
   -        SPARCstorage RSM   ALL     SPARCStorage Array RSM             -
X9663A         -                -      72" Cab/E10K 7U Rck Mnt Kit        -
X9664A         -                -      E5500/6500 68" Cab 7U Rck Mnt Kit  -
X9673A         -                -      72" Cab/E10K 4U Rck Mnt Kit        -
X9674A         -                -      E5500/6500 68" Cab 4U Rck Mnt Kit  -
X9676A         -                -      Mounting Tray Kit                  -
X9655A         -                -      A5000 EXP CAB Mount Kit            -
X9654A         -                -      A5000 SYS CAB Mount Kit            -


Part Number   	      Description   			    Model
-----------   	      -----------  			    -----
370-2343-02           RAIL MNTG BRACKET KIT,UNIVERSL          -
F370-2343-02          RAIL MNTG BRACKET KI FGMAKE-SUN 1       - 
R595-4085-01          X-OPT,TAB 7X4GB 7200 FGBUY-SUN  1       -


DOC:    802-5062-11 - SPARCstorage Installation.
        803-5063-10 - SPARCStorage RSM Installation Supplement.

MANUAL: 802-5062-10 - SPARCstorage RSM Installation, Operations, and 
                      Service Manual.


RSM Array shelves (p/n 370-2343) may collapse if the weight placed upon
them is greater than 40 lbs.(18.2 kg).  Disk arrays such as the D1000
may cause a collapse, potentially dropping the array to the floor in
the worst case and causing physical stress to the system, connectors
and data stored in the disk array.  Having a shelf collapse under the
weight of a disk array or other system may result in hard drive damage,
cable disconnect, unsecured drives dropping to the floor, loss of data,
customer quality complaints, and potential injury to customers and SMI

Following are the the number of systems that may be affected by this 

    | E10000   |  Qty: 650  | 
    | A3500    |  Qty: 4000 | 
    | A3000    |  Qty: 6000 |
    | RSMArray |  Qty: 6000 |

Conditions which can cause the failure: placing more than 40 lbs on the
RSM shelves; for example stacking more than one RSM Array on a shelf,
putting a D1000 on the shelf, putting other systems weighing more than
40 lbs on the shelf.
The shelf was a product originally designed to hold the RSM Array,
which weighs approximately 40 lbs.  Newer products containing more hard
drives are used to replace these older RSM Arrays and sometimes the
correct rack mount kits are not utilized.  Instead, the newer shelves
weighing more than the weight limit of the RSM Array Shelf are
installed, and this may stress the supports beyond their designated
capacities.  This overloads the shelf, ripping the solid rubber
supports and dropping the disk array or other equipment to the floor.

Visual inspection: The shelves will be attached to the front and back
of the chassis or rack by rubber bumpers, and will have a sheet of
metal to support the equipment.  Inspect the bumpers and general
condition of the shelf.  If the bumpers are deformed due to weight, age,
or manufacture (cracking, crazing, chunks missing from the bumper), the
shelf may require replacement.

        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)

Enterprise Customers and authorized Field Service Representatives may
avoid the above mentioned problem by following the recommendations and
guidelines as shown below while servicing the RSM Array Racks.  

1) If the RSM shelf is supporting a system within its weight limit 
   (< 40 lbs), visually inspect the RSM Array.  Inspect shelves 
   in the 56", 68", and 72" racks to see if there are any signs of
   on the rubber supports (cracks, crumbling, etc).
   If cracking or crazing of the rubber bumper is seen, obtain the
   correct spare from your local Remote Stocking Location.  To replace
   the RSM Array shelf with the same shelf, (ONLY for use with existing
   RSM Arrays - do not use for any other disk array) use FRU part
   number: F370-2343.

2) If the shelf is supporting a system that exceeds its weight limit 
   (>40 lbs), immediately order the correct rack mount kit for that
   system/chassis combination, and be aware that the system may need to 
   be deinstalled to prevent a catastrophic collapse.  Use your best 
   judgement to determine if a shelf is likely to fail.  Excessive 
   deformation of the rubber bumpers may indicate impending failure.

   Choosing the correct rack mounting kit:
   *  A1000/D1000: order part number X9653A (595-3906) StorEdge A1000/D1000
                   Mount Kit
   *  A5x00: order part number:  X9654A (595-4940) for the 68" Rack
        	                 X9655A (595-4951) for the 72" Rack
   *  T3: order part number:  X9663A (595-5368) 72" Cabinet/E10000 7U Rack 
                                                Mount Kit
 		   	      X9664A (595-5517) E5500/6500 68" Cabinet 7U 
                                                Rack Mount Kit 
 		   	      X9673A (595-5487) 72" Cabinet/E10000 4U Rack 
                                                Mount Kit
		   	      X9674A (595-5540) E5500/6500 68" Cabinet 4U 
                                                Rack Mount Kit
 		   	      X9676A (595-5627) Mounting Tray Kit

   The rack mount kits listed above are not FRUs.  Contact your normal sales 
   channel to get the correct rack mount kit for the product.



Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

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