Document fins/I0613-1
FIN #: I0613-1
SYNOPSIS: When replacing a failed controller board in the A1000 StorEdge Array
it is important to first verify the version of RAID Manager software,
the controller firmware level and controller memory size.
DATE: Sep/20/00
KEYWORDS: When replacing a failed controller board in the A1000 StorEdge Array
it is important to first verify the version of RAID Manager software,
the controller firmware level and controller memory size.
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: When replacing a failed controller board in the A1000 StorEdge
Array it is important to first verify the version of RAID Manager
software, the controller firmware level and controller memory size.
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
Systems Affected
- ANYSYS ALL System Platform independent -
X-Options Affected
SG-XARY122A-16G A1000 - 16GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY122A-50G - - 50GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY124A-36G - - 36GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY124A-109G - - 109GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY131A-16G - - 16GB StorEdge A1000 For Rack -
SG-XARY133A-36G - - 36GB StorEdge A1000 For Rack -
SG-XARY150A-72G - - 72GB (4x18GB) TableTop -
SG-XARY155A-72G - - 72GB (4x18GB) Rackmount -
SG-XARY150A-218G - - 218GB (12x18GB) TableTop -
SG-XARY155A-218G - - 218GB StorEdge A1000 Rackmount -
SG-XARY170A-145G - - 145GB (4x36GB) A1000 TableTop -
SG-XARY171A-145G - - 145GB (4x36GB) A1000 Rackmount -
SG-XARY170A-436G - - 436GB (12x36GB) A1000 TableTop -
SG-XARY126A-72G - - 72GB (4x18GB) A1000 Tabletop -
SG-XARY126A-144G - - 144GB (8x18GB) A1000 Tabletop -
SG-XARY135A-72G - - 72GB (4x18) A1000 Rackmount -
SG-XARY161A-145G - - 145GB (4x36) A1000 Tabletop -
SG-XARY161A-291G - - 291GB (8x36) A1000 Tabletop -
SG-XARY162A-145G - - 145GB (4x36) A1000 Rackmount -
SG-XARY144A-36G - - 36GB StorEdge A1000 (10K RPM) -
SG-XARY144A-109G - - 109GB StorEdge A1000 (10K RPM) -
SG-XARY146A-36G - - 36GB A1000 For Rack (10K RPM) -
SG-XARY151A-72G - - 72GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY151A-218G - - 218GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY152A-72G - - 72GB StorEdge A1000 For Rack -
SG-XARY152A-218G - - 218GB StorEdge A1000 For Rack -
SG-XARY150A-72G - - 72GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY150A-218G - - 218GB StorEdge A1000 -
SG-XARY155A-72G - - 72GB StorEdge A1000 For Rack -
SG-XARY155A-218G - - 218GB StorEdge A1000 Rackmount -
SG-XARY170A-145G - - 145GB StorEdge A1000 Tabletop -
SG-XARY170A-436G - - 436GB StorEdge A1000 Tabletop -
SG-XARY171A-145G - - 145GB StorEdge A1000 Rackmount -
SG-XARY171A-436G - - 436GB StorEdge A1000 Rackmount -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
F375-0016-03 FRU,CNTLR BD, A1000,8/16MB -
F375-0015-03 FRU,CNTLR BD, A1000,16/64MB -
F375-0135-01 FRU,CNTLR BD, A1000,8/16MB RM6.22 -
F375-0136-01 FRU,CNTLR BD, A1000,16/64MB RM6.22 -
ECO: WO_18109
MANUAL: 805-2624: A1000/D1000 Installation, Operations and Service manual
When a failed controller board is replaced in the A1000 StorEdge
Array, it is necessary to first verify the RAID Manager software
version being used, the controller firmware level, and the controller
memory size. Failure to do so may result in the wrong FRU being
installed. This will result in incompatibility between the
controller firmware and the RAID Manager software. This can cause
LUN's under the A1000 to be inaccessible and cause data access problems.
The A1000 StorEdge Array has been shipping with RAID Manager 6.1.1
software since FCS in 1998. Two controller FRU's exist for the A1000
with RM6.1.1. As of August 2000, A1000 StorEdge Arrays are now being
released with RM6.22 software. Because RM6.22 is not compatible with
earlier versions of controller firmware, two new FRU's have been
released to support RM6.22 on the A1000.
Service Logistics now stocks four different A1000 controller FRU's.
A1000 controller FRU's for RM6.1.1 and RM6.22 are not interchangeable.
See the table below.
| | A1000 | | | |
| RAID Manager|Controller | Mem. SIMMs | | |
| Version | FRU P/N | CPU/Cache | Appdware | Bootware |
| RM6.1.1 | F375-0016-03 | 8/16 | 02050211.apd | 02050100.bwd |
| | | | | |
| RM6.1.1 | F375-0015-03 | 16/64 | 02050211.apd | 02050100.bwd |
| | | | | |
| RM6.22 | F375-0135-01 | 8/16 | 03010235.apd | 03010233.bwd |
| | | | | |
| RM6.22 | F375-0136-01 | 16/64 | 03010235.apd | 03010233.bwd |
As can be seen from the table above, RM6.1.1 is compatible with
firmware version 02xxxxxx and RM6.22 is compatible with firmware
version 03xxxxxx. Two FRU's with different memory sizes are available
for each version of RAID Manager.
Raid Manager software and controller firmware can be upgraded and some
customers may have upgraded to RM6.22 and to firmware 03xxxxxx without
changing the A1000 controller. In addition, the controller memory may
have been upgraded via an upgrade kit.
As an example, an installed controller board with part number F375-0016-03
might have 16/64Mb of memory, have firmware version 03xxxxxx and be used
with RM6.22. In this case, the controller part number would not be a true
indicator of the firmware version or memory size. Therefore, do not rely
on the controller part number label. Be sure to always verify the
Raid Manager version, memory size and firmware level before ordering and
replacing the controller FRU.
| | MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
| | CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)
| X | REACTIVE (As Required)
An Authorized Enterprise Field Service Representative may avoid the
above mentioned problems by following the recommendations as shown
To replace a controller board for the StorEdge A1000 follow these steps:
1) Determine the version of RAID Manager software in use.
Start the RAID Manager application by entering
> rm6 &
Once the RAID Manager GUI opens, click on "About?" and read
the version number.
2) Determine the controller firmware level using the Controller
Profile screen of the RAID Manager GUI. It will be either
02xxxxxx or 03xxxxxx.
3) Determine the amount of memory on the controller board.
For the procedure to check the installed memory size,
see Chapter 3, page 31, of the A1000/D1000 Installation,
Operations and Service manual, 805-2624-10.
4) Using the table in the Problem Description section, determine the
correct controller FRU needed based on the Raid Manager version,
firmware level and memory size.
5) Replace the controller board using the procedure in Chapter 3
of the A1000/D1000 Installation, Operations and Service
manual, 805-2624-10.
6) There are A1000 controller firmware patches available for the
different versions of RAID Manager. The current controller
FRU's do not contain the latest available versions of firmware.
If a customer has previously installed one of these firmware
patches, it will be necessary to upgrade the firmware via the
appropriate patch after replacing the controller. The patches are:
RM 6.1.1
106513 or later (Solaris 2.5.1 to Solaris 7)
RM 6.22
108834 or later (Solaris 2.5.1 to Solaris 7)
RM 6.22
108553 or later (Solaris 8)
Firmware upgrades are performed via the RAID Manager GUI. Details
for this procedure can be found on page 143 of the RAID Manager User's
Guide, 806-0478-xx.
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to
contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical
support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their
respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the
need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist. Edist can be
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta-
tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
folder, FIN or FCO. This will display supporting directories/files for
FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]
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