Document fins/I0607-1

FIN #: I0607-1

SYNOPSIS: Isolating problems on the Ultra 80 and E420R, Netra T 1400 and Netra
          T 1405 based systems

DATE: Sep/12/02

KEYWORDS: Isolating problems on the Ultra 80 and E420R, Netra T 1400 and Netra
          T 1405 based systems

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS: Isolating problems on the Ultra 80 and E420R, Netra T 1400 
          and Netra T 1405 based systems.

PRODUCT_REFERENCE:  Netra T Server & Ultra Desktop    
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Desktop / Service ; Server /Service  


Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description       Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------       -------------
Systems Affected

  -      A27         ALL    Ultra 80                -
  -      A33         ALL    Enterprise 420R Server  -
  -      Netra t     ALL    Netra t 1405 Server     -
  -      Netra t     ALL    Netra t 1400 Server     -

X-Options Affected
  -         -         -          -                  -


Part Number    Description              Model
-----------    -----------              -----

F501-5218-10   Memory Riser card          -
F340-6091-02   Torque Indicator Tool      -
F501-5168-16   ASSY,QUASAR,MB,0 MEG,TSTD  -


BugId:  4224937
MANUAL: 806-1080-10  Enterprise 420R Server Product Notes
MANUAL: 806-1457-02  Ultra 80 Product Note
MANUAL: 805-6618-10  Ultra 80 Service Manual
MANUAL: 805-6804-10  Netra t  Service Manual
FINs: I0537-1, I0537-2 


System initialization failures are sometimes being diagnosed
incorrectly on Ultra 80, E420R, Netra T 1400 and Netra T 1405 based
systems.  As a result, wrong FRU's are being replaced and good parts
are being returned to repair depots.  

In some cases, where the initialization failure is caused by an
improperly installed Memory Riser Card, the parts replaced have been
the DIMM or the CPU board.

The following information is provided to help in determining the
cause of system initialization failures for these systems.  The
Corrective Action section gives the proper procedure for installing
the Memory Riser Card.

| Fault		|  Screen Output	  |  Keyboard Output     |
| Riser Failing	|  Blank, the GFX	  |  LED's Flashed       |                   
| once          |  adaptor was never      |                      | 
|		|  turned on.             |                      |
| DIMM Removed	|  Only showed 3072MB     |  LED's Flashed three |
|		|  memory was found       |  times.              |
|		|  instead of the 4096    |                      |
|		|  MB that was originally |                      |
|		|  in the system. One     |                      |
|		|  bank shows up missing. |                      |
| CPU Removed	|  Blank	          |  No LED's Flashed.   |

Normal System Boot Sequence

	- Push button depressed to turn system on.
	- While button is depressed Keyboard LED's are on
	- When button is let go, the LED's go off and a beep
		is generated.
	- The LED's then Flash once
	- Some time goes by.
	- The LED's Flash again.
	- The Graphics head turns on
	- The LED's Flash one more time.
Riser Card not properly installed
   When the Riser Card is not properly installed, the system will only
   boot up to the point shortly after the first LED Flashing occurred.
   The system never makes it to the second or third Flashing.  The
   system self-test may also fail or there may be no output to the
   system console.

   Also refer to "DIMMs not seated properly when only one bank of
   memory is installed".

CPU Removed or Not seated properly
   If the CPU is removed, or is not seated properly, the system will
   not reach the point where the LED's flash for the first time.

DIMMs not seated properly when multiple banks of memory are installed
   The system will report less memory detected on the banner line than 
   what is installed in the system.  

DIMMs not seated properly when only one bank of memory is installed
   System responds with the same symptoms as if the "Riser Card was
   not installed properly".  

Possible CPU problems
   CPU panics occurring just after the first flashing of LEDs may indicate 
   that no memory was found.  Please refer to "DIMMs not seated properly 
   when only one bank of memory is installed" and "Riser Card was
   or not installed properly".

   CPU panics can also indicate a problem with the CPU module.  If this 
   is the case, then the CPU module should be replaced.

        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)


The following guidelines are provided to help authorized Enterprise
Services Field Representatives with the correct diagnosis and
installation of the above mentioned Memory Riser assembly.

*Based on the above information, diagnose whether the problem lies
within the Riser Card or elsewhere.

If the problem is suspected in the Riser Card, follow the instruction

1. Prepare to replace the Memory Riser Card on the E420R/Ultra80/Netra
   t 1400/1405 main logic board by making sure you have the supplied
   torque indicator driver tool (F340-6091-02).  Do not attempt to
   replace the Riser Card on the motherboard without using this tool. 

   The Micrometer Hand-Torque screwdriver (F250-1239-01) with the main
   scale set to 5.0 lbs. and an "R2 Square Bit" may also be used.
2. Carefully align the connectors of the assembly with the motherboard
   connectors (J1501, J1601). The Memory Riser Card is not only
   sensitive to torque values, but also to alignment.
3. Carefully seat the Riser Card onto the mating connectors on the
   motherboard.  Secure the connection by simultaneously turning both
   thumbscrews clockwise one wrist turn (180 degrees).  The two screws
   should be finger-tightened simultaneously before using the torque
   indicator driver or the Micrometer Hand-Torque screwdriver.

4. When the screws are finger-tightened, use the tool to alternately
   turn one thumbscrew and then the other by one wrist turn (180
   degrees), or until the gap on the torque indicator driver closes.
   When the gap is closed, stop turning. Over-torquing the screws can
   cause damage to the board. Then tighten the remaining screw using
   the tool until the gap closes. (The correct amount of torque is 
   5.0. You must use a torque driver with the correct bit and
5. After the Riser Card is torqued as in step 4,  press firmly down 
   with the palm of your hands on the top-center of the Riser Card.
   Make sure that you press straight down on the card to seat the 
   board with the correct alignment.
6. After pressing downward on the assembly in the previous step, 
   re-torque the thumbscrews again, alternating one turn each, until
   the gap on the tool closes once again. When both screws have been
   torqued so the that gap on the indicator tool is closed, you have
   completed the replacement procedure.
NOTE: Check connector pins for damage by "eyeballing" down the rows of
      pins on both the main logic board as well as the Memory Riser
      Card.  Equipment damage can results from insertion of mis-aligned
      connector pins.


Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
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SunSolve Online Access:
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Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

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