Document fins/I0590-1

FIN #: I0590-1

SYNOPSIS: The SCSI NVSRAM will overwrite the FC controller NVSRAM if follow the
          documented A3500 SCSI to FC upgrade procedure.

DATE: 07/20/00

KEYWORDS: The SCSI NVSRAM will overwrite the FC controller NVSRAM if follow the
          documented A3500 SCSI to FC upgrade procedure.

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS:  The SCSI NVSRAM will overwrite the FC controller NVSRAM if
           follow the documented A3500 SCSI to FC upgrade procedure.

PRODUCT_REFERENCE:  StorEdge A3500FC upgrade kit  
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Storage / Documentation 

Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description   Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------   -------------
Systems Affected

  -       E3000      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 3000     -
  -       E3500      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 3500     -
  -       E4000      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 4000     -
  -       E4500      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 4500     -
  -       E5000      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 5000     -
  -       E5500      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 5500     -
  -       E6000      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 6000     -
  -       E6500      ALL    Ultra Enterprise 6500     -
  -       E10000     ALL    Ultra Enterprise 10000    -

X-Options Affected

X6532A               -     -   A3000 15*4.2GB/7200 FWSCSI     - 
X6533A               -     -   A3000 35*4.2GB/7200 FWSCSI     -     
X6534A               -     -   A3000 15*9.1GB/7200 FWSCSI     -    
X6535A               -     -   A3000 35*9.1GB/7200 FWSCSI     -
X6536A               -     -   A3000 StorEdge Controller      -
X6537A               -     -   A3500 SCSI controller          -
X6538A               -     -   A3500FC StorEdge Controller    -
SG-XARY350A-90G      -     -   A3500 1x5x9GB/7200, min        -    
SG-XARY350A-545G     -     -   A3500 1x5x9GB/7200, max        -    
SG-XARY351A-180G     -     -   A3500 1x5x18GB/7200, min       -
SG-XARY352A-180G     -     -   A3500 2x7x9GB/7200, min        -
SG-XARY352A-763G     -     -   A3500 2x7x9GB/7200, max        -
SG-XARY353A-360G     -     -   A3500 2x7x18GB/7200, min       -
SG-XARY354A-1635G    -     -   A3500 3x15x9GB/7200, max       - 
SG-XARY360A-90G      -     -   A3500 1x5x9GB/10K, min (BSD)   - 
SG-XARY360A-545G     -     -   A3500 1x5x9GB/10K, max         -
SG-XARY362A-180G     -     -   A3500 2x7x9GB/10K, min (BSD)   -
SG-XARY362A-763G     -     -   A3500 2x7x9GB/10K, max         -
SG-XARY364A-1635G    -     -   A3500 3x15x9GB/10K, max        -
SG-XARY374A-273G     -     -   A3500 3x15x9GB/10K, min (BSD)  - 
SG-XARY380A-182G     -     -   A3500 1x5x18GB/10K, min (BSD)  -
SG-XARY380A-1092G    -     -   A3500 1x5x18GB/10K, max        -
SG-XARY382A-364G     -     -   A3500 2x7x18GB/10K, min (BSD)  -
SG-XARY384A-546G     -     -   A3500 3x15x18GB/10, min (BSD)  -
SG-XARY381A-364G     -     -   A3500 1x5x36GB/10K, min (BSD)  -
SG-XARY381A-1456G    -     -   A3500 1x5x36GB/10K, Max        -
SG-XARY383A-728G     -     -   A3500 2x7x36GB/10K, min (BSD)  -
SG-XARY385A-1092G    -     -   A3500 3x15x36/10K, min (BSD)   -


Part Number   Description   Model
-----------   -----------   -----
595-5201-01   ASSY, UPGRADE, A3500FC/Tabasco
595-5200-01   ASSY, UPGRADE, A3500FC/Dilbert


BugId:   4310356
PatchId: 109232, 109233
MANUAL:  806-0479-10  Sun StorEdge A3500FC Controller Upgrade Guide
         805-4980-11  Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC Controller Module Guide
         805-3682-    Sun StorEdge PCI FC-100 Host Adapter Installation Manual
         805-7572-    Sun StorEdge SBus FC-100 Host Adapter Installation 
                      and Service Manual


For customers who already have the A3500FC upgrade kit installed, the 
local Service person needs to plan on their next customer visit to load 
the NVSRAM patch and down load the NVSRAM file to the FC controllers.

Since the A3500FC upgrade is bundled with ES installation so the Service
persons who will be installing the upgrade kit need to follow the procedure 
in this FIN to do the upgrade.

The following symptoms may be experienced by the affected customers; 

. Product ID not displayed correctly to reflect the FC controller.
. SCSI NVSRAM bits in a FC controller can cause the FC controller to 
  lose communication during LUN creation.

After performing A3500 SCSI to FC upgrade process per the documented
procedure, Product ID displayed via a 'Module Profile' still indicated 
SCSI controller.  

The cause of this problem was that the controllers were installed cold
(the array powered off).  And when power was re-applied, the NVSRAM in 
the disk drive Dacstore would update the new FC controllers.  Therefore,
over-written the FC NVSRAM with SCSI NVSRAM would be occurred.

        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)


The following recommendation is provided as a guide line for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives that may be at risk of
encountering the above mentioned problem;

The new procedure stated on below will replace the current procedure on 
the page 20 - 22 in the upgrade manual, 806-0479-10 and it has been 
tested to make sure this would work.  

1. Bring the host system down to the OK prompt to begin hardware 
   conversion by typing:

   # init 0

   Note - If the EEPROM setting auto-reboot? is set to True (default), 
   the system boots automatically when the system is powered on again. A    
   reconfiguration reboot is required for Solaris to recognize the new FC_AL 
   devices. To stop the boot process when the host is powered on again, run 
   a L1-A command to the host.

2. If any hardware must be installed on the host, power it off now.

3. Power off the A3x00 Controller Module that you want to convert from 
   Ultra SCSI to FC-AL.
   Note - Do NOT power off the entire A3x00 rack. You only need to power
          off the two power supplies in the back of the A3x00 Controller
4. Disconnect the SCSI Differential cables between the host and the A3x00 
   array. Refer to the Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC Controller Module Guide 
   (805-4980) for instructions on disconnecting SCSI differential cables 
   and installing SCSI differential terminators (see step 5).

5. Install the SCSI Differential terminators on the back side of the A3x00 
   controller module (the same area from which you removed the SCSI host 
   connection cables).

6. Replace or install any hardware components on the host, such as a Sun 
   StorEdge Sbus or PCI FC-100 host adapter card.

   For detailed instructions on replacing or installing host adapter cards, 
   refer to the following manuals:

     - Sun StorEdge SBus FC-100 Host Adapter Installation and Service Manual
     - Sun StorEdge PCI FC-100 Host Adapter Installation Manual (805-3682)
7. Remove both controllers from the A3x00 controller module.
   Refer to the Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC Controller Module Guide (805-4980) 
   for instructions on removing and replacing controllers. 
8. Replace the new A3x00FC controllers in the controller module, making sure 
   the replacement controllers have one of the following part numbers:

      540-4026  A3500FC controller for A3500 array (with D1000 tray)
      540-4027  A3500FC controller for A3000 array (with RSM tray)
9. Power on the A3x00 Controller Module and verify that the controllers are 
   in an operational state by checking the LEDs for each controller.

   Acceptable operational states are:

     Active/Active: LED patterns on each controller alternate between 0x00 
                    then 0x80
     Active/Passive: LED patterns on one controller alternate between 0x00 
                    then 0x80 (the Active controller).
                    LED patterns on the alternate controller alternate between 
                    0x6E then 0xEE (the Passive controller).

   If the operational states displayed on the LEDs are different from those
   described here, contact your local Sun Solution center or Sun Service 
   provider for assistance. 

   Note - For supported host connection options, see "Supported Hardware
          Configurations" on page 6.

10. Connect the new A3x00FC array to the host with the fibre optic cables.

    Refer to the Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC Controller Module Guide (805-4980) 
    for instructions on the connecting the fibre cables between the host 
    system and the RAID arrays.

11. Reboot the system by typing (on the boot prompt):

    boot -r
12. Install one of the following NVSRAM patches:

    If you have an A3500 array with D1000 trays - Patch 109232
    If you have an A3000 array with RSM trays - Patch 109233
13. Access the Maintenance and Tuning dialog box. Use the firmware download 
    to load the correct NVSRAM to both A3500FC controllers. See table below.

    Drive Tray Type	D1000			RSM
    ---------------	-----------------	-----------------
    NVSRAM File		39781DN.DL		39782DN.DL
    Product ID		StorEdge A3500FCd	StorEdge A3500FCr
14. Verify the product ID is correct as specified in above table.

15. Cycle the power on the A3500FC Controller Module by powering it down.
    Then return power on to the two power supplies in the rear of the 
    Controller Module. 
   Note - Do NOT cycle power on the rack power sequencers.
16. Refer to the Sun StorEdge RAID Manager Release Notes (805-7758) for 
    information about preserving the device names of LUNs that have valid 
    data; see Bug ID 4118532 in the section that discusses "Known

** End A3500 SCSI-FC upgrade procedure**  
The Sun StorEdge A3500FC Controller Upgrade Guide 806-0479-10 is being 
updated for release.  The new document version will be 806-0479-11. 


Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.