Document fins/I0575-1
FIN #: I0575-1
SYNOPSIS: When used on a heavily loaded system to monitor multiple enclosures,
Component Manager response time can be longer than expected.
DATE: APR/26/00
KEYWORDS: When used on a heavily loaded system to monitor multiple enclosures,
Component Manager response time can be longer than expected.
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: When used on a heavily loaded system to monitor multiple
enclosures, Component Manager response time can be longer
than expected.
PRODUCT_REFERENCE: StorEdge Component Manager 2.0
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
Systems Affected
- Anysys - System Platform Independent -
X-Options Affected
- A5000 ALL StorEdge A5000 -
- T300 ALL StorEdge T300 disk tray -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
798-2832-01 StorEdge Component Manager 2.0 -
DOC: 806-1580-11 - SUN StorEdge Component Manager 2.0 Release Notes
806-1579-10 - SUN StorEdge Component Manager 2.0 User's Guide
806-1576-10 - SUN StorEdge Component Manager 2.0 Installation Guide
Sun StorEdge Component Manager (CM) which is a graphical interface that
enables you to monitor and manage subsystem storage enclosures, does
not function properly. As a result, the monitoring of A5x00 enclosures
and T300 disk trays does not happen.
When used on a heavily loaded system to monitor multiple enclosures,
Component Manager response time can be abnormally long, like a user
selection of the GUI will not respond after 20 seconds or the Component
Manager window does not get repainted when user switches between
desktop applications.
Component Manager requires a minimum of 174MB of virtual memory, and
0.5MB of virtual memory for each additional enclosure or disk tray.
Also, Component Manager requires 8% of the CPU capacity with .18%
increase for each additional enclosure. As a guideline, user should
have approximately 50MB of available physical memory. If the memory
guidelines/requirements of Component Manager are not met, Component
Manager will not function properly.
Note: Component Manager manages both the physical and logical aspect of
T300, the physical means all the physical components of T300, and
the logical means the LUN(s) defined inside the T300. Component
Manager also manages/monitors A5X00 but only the physical aspect
of it since there is no LUN capability inside the A5X00.
| | MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
| | CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)
| X | REACTIVE (As Required)
Enterprise Customers and authorized Field Service Representatives may
avoid the above mentioned problems by following the recommendations
as shown below:
If Component Manager performance is an issue due to a system resource
limitation, the recommendation is to follow the guideline which the
user should have approximately 50MB of available physical memory, or
move the Component Manager to another server with less load and monitor
the Sun StorEdge T300 disk trays from that server. If the memory
guidelines/requirements of Component Manager are not met, Component
Manager will not function properly.
As the monitoring of the Sun StorEdge T300 disk trays is done through
the ethernet, the Component Manager does not have to run on the same
host to which the Sun StorEdge T300 disk trays are attached.
If necessary (that is, a mixed environment of Sun StorEdge T300 disk
trays and Sun StorEdge A5x00 enclosures) you may partition the
monitoring by utilizing another host for monitoring the T300 disk
trays and continuing to monitor the A5x00 enclosures from the initial
host. Sun StorEdge A5x00 enclosures may be monitored from any host
on the same FC loop.
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to
contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical
support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their
respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the
need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist. Edist can be
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta-
tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
folder, FIN or FCO. This will display supporting directories/files for
FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.