Document fins/I0469-1
FIN #: I0469-1
SYNOPSIS: Sun FDDI SBus Adapter 5.0 SAS/DAS mounting screws may not fit the EMI
plate due to excessive plating
DATE: Dec/23/98
KEYWORDS: Sun FDDI SBus Adapter 5.0 SAS/DAS mounting screws may not fit the EMI
plate due to excessive plating
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: Sun FDDI SBus Adapter 5.0 SAS/DAS mounting screws may not
fit the EMI plate due to excessive plating.
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Networking / Server / FDDI
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
Systems Affected
- Sun-4/15/30 - SPARCclassic -
- SS5 - SPARCstation 5 -
- SS10 - SPARCstation 10 -
- SS20 - SPARCstation 20 -
- SS600 - SPARCserver -
- SS1000 - SPARCserver 1000 -
- SC2000 - SPARCcenter 2000 -
- A11 - Ultra 1 -
- A12 - Ultra 1 -
- A14 - Ultra 2 -
- E3000 - Ultra Enterprise 3000 -
- E4000 - Ultra Enterprise 4000 -
- E5000 - Ultra Enterprise 5000 -
- E6000 - Ultra Enterprise 6000 -
- E3500 - Ultra Enterprise 3500 -
- E4500 - Ultra Enterprise 4500 -
- E5500 - Ultra Enterprise 5500 -
- E6500 - Ultra Enterprise 6500 -
- E10000 - Ultra Enterprise 10000 -
X-Options Affected
x1025A - - OPT SBUS SAS FDDI 5.0 W/SW -
x1026A - - OPT SBUS DAS FDDI 5.0 W/SW -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
605-1571-03 ASSY,FDDI 5.0 SAS,MNL,CD -
605-1572-03 ASSY,FDDI 5.0 DAS,MNL,CD -
It has been recently discovered that there was a quantity of FDDI 5.0
SAS/DAS Assemblies (X1025A and X1026A) shipped between March 1998
and September 1998 that have the possibility of the screws not fitting
the EMI mounting bracket.
This was due to excessive nickel plating on the screws resulting in a
fitting problem. It is estimated that this problem can be seen on
approximately 30% of the product shipped between 03/98 and 09/98.
The Supplier Quadrus (NPI subcontractor) has implemented a process to
implement a 2nd tapping operation after plating to assure the tap dia-
meter remains at 2.03mm. For current finished goods, Quadrus will re-
place existing screws with screws screened to tighter tolerances, i.e.
screws with a smaller outer diameter dimension. Quadrus has also imp-
lemented an incoming material inspection process to check for proper
sized bracket holes (holes tapped a second time).
| | MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
| | CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)
| X | REACTIVE (As Required)
There is a small quantity of product in the field with the fit problem.
The date code on these are between March and September of 1998. Thus,
A screw/plate shipkit that will fit the affected brackets is now avail-
The part number of the shipkit is: 560-2366-01.
However, the kit is not available through normal Sun distribution chan-
nels. Thus, Enterprise Services customers and Enterprise Services Field
Service personnel that encounter the need for the kit are advised to
Mark Wolter
Product Manager
Network Peripherals
phone: (408)321-7399
email: [email protected]
Network Peripherals (NPI) will ship the kit FREE of charge to the customer
The EMI plates/screws are meant to be used with the FDDI SBus 5.0 adapters
as replacements for the standard EMI plates/screws that come with certain
Sun platform chassis, and are not necessary or usable on all Sun platforms.
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to contact
all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical sup-
port teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their respective
accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the need
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