Document fins/I0448-1
FIN #: I0448-1
SYNOPSIS: DLT 7000 drive Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader misalignment may
cause the unit to fail.
DATE: Nov/13/98
KEYWORDS: DLT 7000 drive Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader misalignment may
cause the unit to fail.
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: DLT 7000 drive Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader
misalignment may cause the unit to fail.
PRODUCT_REFERENCE: Take-up and Cartridge Leader
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
Systems Affected
- Anysys - System Platform Independent -
X-Options Affected
SG-XLIBDLT1-1TB - - StorEdge L1000 Library Deskside -
SG-XLIBDLT4-1TB - - StorEdge L1000 Library Deskside -
SG-XLIBDLT1R-1TB - - StorEdge L1000 Library Rackmount -
SG-XLIBDLT4R-1TB - - StorEdge L1000 Library Rackmount -
SG-XTAPDLT1-1TB - - StorEdge DLT 7000 Drive for L1000
X6073A - - StorEdge L1800 w 2 DLT 7000 drives -
X6074A - - StorEdge L1800 w 4 DLT 7000 drives -
X6075A - - StorEdge L3500 w 2 DLT 7000 drives -
X6076A - - StorEdge L3500 w 7 DLT 7000 drives -
X6063A - - 35-70GB DLT 7000 for L1800 or L3500 -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
F370-3272-0X FRU,DLT 7000 DRV-FOR ETL LIBR -
F370-3332-0X FRU,DLT 7000 DRV,8MB ETL LIB -
F370-3516-0X TAPE DRIVE DLT7000 L1000
F370-3723-0X L11000, DLT7000,HOT SWAP DRIVE
(SCSI Devices)
Type Vendor Model Firmware S/N(Min) S/N(Max)
---- ------ ----- -------- -------- --------
Tape Quantum DLT7000 < 1E48 - -
bugId: 4168980
ESC: 516391
Multiple problems have been reported regarding the DLT7000 tape
drives in the above mentioned configurations. These tape drives
may be susceptible to multiple problems, none of which can be
clearly defined since the failures appear to be different in each
instance depending upon the drive's firmware revision and the
configuration of the tape drive (library).
However, most of the reported problems in reference to the DLT7000
failures stem from the current firmware rev. of the DLT7000 tape
drive which does not allow the normal "Buckling Process" of the
Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader to align properly and insure
alignment of the Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader.
A new DLT firmware version has been released that will correct many
of the various failure conditions.
| | MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
| X | CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)
In order to avoid or correct problems associated with DLT7000 unit
failures associated with Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader align-
ment, the following recommendation has been issued:
The recently released DLT V72 firmware will address and resolve the
Take-Up Leader and Cartridge Leader alignment problem and will allow
for reliable engagement of the Normal Buckling Process.
V72 DLT firmware can be obtained by installing:
Keywords: DLT7000 Library V72 firmware upgrade procedure
Synopsis: Hardware, Tape: 4/1800, 7/3500, L1800 and L3500
Date: Nov/05/98
Solaris Release:
SunOS Release:
Unbundled Product: Hardware/Tape
Unbundled Release: 4/1800, 7/3500, L1800 and L3500 Libraries
NOTE: This Patch package is intended to be installed on DLT7000 Library
drives with V60 or below firmware.
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to contact
all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical sup-
port teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their respective
accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the need
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