Document fins/I0405-4

FIN #: I0405-4

SYNOPSIS: Updated FIN. FC-AL SBus Cards, Gigabit Ethernet 1.1, SunSwift or
          SunFastEthernet cards should not be installed in any SBus slot
          labeled slot 1 on E10000 Servers.

DATE: Nov/19/99

KEYWORDS: Updated FIN. FC-AL SBus Cards, Gigabit Ethernet 1.1, SunSwift or
          SunFastEthernet cards should not be installed in any SBus slot
          labeled slot 1 on E10000 Servers.

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS:  Updated FIN. FC-AL SBus Cards, Gigabit Ethernet 1.1,
           SunSwift or SunFastEthernet cards should not be installed 
           in any SBus slot labeled slot 1 on E10000 Servers. 
PRODUCT_REFERENCE:  E10000 sbus card slot configuration                        
PRODUCT CATEGORY:   Server / System Board; Server / Other;

Systems Affected
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model     Description        Serial Number
------   --------   -----     -----------        -------------

  -      E10000     All       Sun Enterprise 10000 Server   -

X-Options Affected
X1018A       -       -        SunSwift                             - 
X1059A       -       -        SunFastEthernet 2.0, 10/100          -
X1045A       -       -        Sun Gigabit Ethernet 1.1             -
X6730A       -       -        Sun FC-AL SBus Card                  -
X2730A       -       -        Sun Enterprise 10000 SBus I/O Board  -

Part Number     Description                        Model
-----------     -----------                        -----

501-2739-0X     SunSwift                             -
501-2919-0X     SunFastEthernet 2.0, 10/100          -
375-0003-0X     Sun Gigabit Ethernet 1.1             -
501-3060-0X     Sun FC-AL SBus Card                  -
501-4349-XX     Sun Enterprise 10000 SBus I/O Board  -
501-4478-0X     Sun Enterprise 10000 SBus I/O Board  -


BugId:   4046986, 4049704, 4243882, 4091053, 4157729
FIN:     I0405-3
PatchId: 105684
PatchId: 105684
PatchId: 104853
FCO:	 Pending FCO-A0155-1

SunSwift, SunFastEthernet, Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 or Sun FC-AL SBus
cards, including the SunSwift hme/fas combo card (X1018A), the Sun
FastEthernet 2.0 (X1059A) card, the SBus Gigabit Ethernet card (X1045A)
and the SOC+ FCAL SBus card (X6730A) should not be installed in SBus
slots labeled slot 1 on an Enterprise 10000 system board which has P/N
501-4349-XX SBus I/O Board (Mezzanine).
SunSwift, SunFastEthernet, Gigabit Ethernet 1.1, or Sun FC-AL SBus
cards should be installed ONLY in SBus slots labeled slot 0 of system
boards which have P/N 501-4349-XX SBus I/O Board.

Installation of a SunSwift or SunFastEthernet, Gigabit Ethernet, or Sun
FC-AL SBus cards in slot 1 has been found to cause unpredictable
behavior in an SBus card which may be in slot 0.  For example, SOC or
(U)DWIS.  Depending on the type of SBus card in slot 0, this behavior
can exhibit itself as resets, offlines, and other reported errors as
well as data corruption errors that can go undetected by the system.

1. Gigabit Ethernet s/w version 1.0 is not qualified on the E10000, version
	1.1 is qualified for the E10000.
2. Gigabit Ethernet 1.1, X1045A is an EOL product, though support continues.
3. Gigabit Ethernet 2.0, X1140A does not have any SBus slot restrictions.

Patch #104853-05 for SSP 3.0, patch #105684-07 for SSP 3.1, and SSP3.1.1 
provide a check in OBP for unsafe SBus card placement for the SunSwift, 
SunFastEthernet and Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 cards. The Sun FC-AL SBus card 
is not checked. This check will not allow the system to boot if an unsafe 
configuration is detected. Due to the pending release of FCO-155, SSP 3.2
does not incorporate this check.

These error messages will be seen if software detects an invalid

ERROR: sbus slot 1 on board 1 SYSIO 0 contains: SUNW,hme SUNW,fas 
       This configuration may cause data corruption.


Cannot boot: Configuration error.
    sbus slot 1 on board 1 SYSIO 0 contains: SUNW,hme SUNW,fas 

 Refer to the following tables for details on which SSP, SBus Card and
 I/O Board combinations are restricted.

                Slot 1 Restriction for systems using SSP 3.0
			(with Patch #104853-04 or lower)	
 | Sbus Card Type       |       I/O Board       |       I/O Board       |
 |                      |    P/N 501-4349-XX    |    P/N 501-4478-0X    |
 | SunSwift             |                       |                       |
 | SunFastEthernet      |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 | Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |
 |                      |                       |                       |
 | Sun FC-AL SBus card  |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 |      (SOC+)          |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |

                Slot 1 Restriction for systems using SSP 3.0
			(with Patch #104853-05 or higher)
 | Sbus Card Type       |       I/O Board       |       I/O Board       |
 |                      |    P/N 501-4349-XX    |    P/N 501-4478-0X    |
 | SunSwift             |                       |                       |
 | SunFastEthernet      |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 | Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 |  System will NOT boot |  System will NOT boot |
 |                      |                       |                       |
 | Sun FC-AL SBus card  |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 |      (SOC+)          |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |

                Slot 1 Restriction for systems using SSP 3.1
                        (with Patch #105684-06 or lower)
 | Sbus Card Type       |       I/O Board       |       I/O Board       |
 |                      |    P/N 501-4349-XX    |    P/N 501-4478-0X    |
 | SunSwift             |                       |                       |
 | SunFastEthernet      |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 | Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |
 |                      |                       |                       |
 | Sun FC-AL SBus card  |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 |      (SOC+)          |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |

                Slot 1 Restriction for systems using SSP 3.1 
                    (with Patch #105684-07 or higher)
 | Sbus Card Type       |       I/O Board       |       I/O Board       |
 |                      |    P/N 501-4349-XX    |    P/N 501-4478-0X    |
 | SunSwift             |                       |                       |
 | SunFastEthernet      |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 | Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 |  System will NOT boot |  System will NOT boot |
 |                      |                       |                       |
 | Sun FC-AL SBus card  |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 |      (SOC+)          |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |

                Slot 1 Restriction for systems using SSP 3.1.1
 | Sbus Card Type       |       I/O Board       |       I/O Board       |
 |                      |    P/N 501-4349-XX    |    P/N 501-4478-0X    |
 | SunSwift             |                       |                       |
 | SunFastEthernet      |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 | Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 |  System will NOT boot |  System will NOT boot |
 |                      |                       |                       |
 | Sun FC-AL SBus card  |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 |      (SOC+)          |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |

                Slot 1 Restriction for systems using SSP 3.2
 | Sbus Card Type       |       I/O Board       |       I/O Board       |
 |                      |    P/N 501-4349-XX    |    P/N 501-4478-0X    |
 | SunSwift             |                       |                       |
 | SunFastEthernet      |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 | Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 |  System will boot 	|  System will boot 	|
 |                      |                       |                       |
 | Sun FC-AL SBus card  |       UNSAFE          |       SAFE            |
 |      (SOC+)          |  System will boot     |  System will boot     |

Note: Some configurations may be considered (theoretically) SAFE, ie. not 
      susceptible to data corruption, but will still be unbootable with SSP
      3.0 with patch #104853-05, SSP 3.1 with patch #105684-07, or SSP 3.1.1.

Updates for FIN# I0405-4

This FIN is an update to FIN I0405-3.  It provides information on the
SSP 3.0 patch which affects booting with invalid configurations,
includes an improved script to detect I/O Board part numbers, warns
that SSP 3.2 will not impose boot restrictions, and references the 
pending FCO that if and when released, will provide the hardware fix  
to these restrictions. 

        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)


To avoid the above stated problems with SunSwift or SunFastEthernet, 
Gigabit Ethernet, or Sun FC-AL SBus cards installed in SBus slot 1 on
Enterprise 10000 Systems, follow the card installation recommendations
listed below:

1. If the SBus I/O Board P/N is 501-4349-XX,then SunSwift, SunFastEthernet 
   or Gigabit Ethernet 1.1 cards should be installed ONLY in SBus slots 
   labeled slot 0, on an Enterprise 10000 System.
2. If the SBus I/O Board P/N is 501-4478-0X, then Sun FC-AL SBus cards may  
   be installed in slot 1. (See tables above).

3. If and when FCO A0155-1 is released, should be implemented if 501-4349-XX
   I/O Boards are present.

To determine which SBus I/O Mezz boards are installed in a running
system, use the board_id command on the main SSP.  This may be done
via remote access if available at customer's sites.
With a 10 second sleep between board_id commands, this can be safely
used on running domains.

For example:

# Check for 501-4349 or 501-6525 I/O boards installed in E10000.
# Run as user "ssp".
# All system boards should be powered on.
# A 10 second sleep between board_id commands is recommended.
# initialize
rm -f /tmp/rev_ck.out 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

# get the revisions
echo "Checking board \c"
for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do
        echo "$b...\c"
        echo `uname -n`":SB:"$b": "`board_id -b io -n $b`
>> /tmp/rev_ck.out
        sleep 10
echo "done."

# find the down-rev boards
REV_CK1=`grep -c "501-4349" /tmp/rev_ck.out`
REV_CK2=`grep -c "501-6525" /tmp/rev_ck.out`

# print out the list of down-rev boards
if [ `expr $REV_CK1 + $REV_CK2` -gt 0 ]; then
        echo Down-rev I/O Boards:
        grep "501-4349" /tmp/rev_ck.out | awk '{print $1, $3, $4, $5}'
        grep "501-6525" /tmp/rev_ck.out | awk '{print $1, $3, $4, $5}'
        echo No down-rev I/O Boards found.
echo Total number of down-rev I/O Boards: `expr $REV_CK1 + $REV_CK2`

# clean-up
rm /tmp/rev_ck.out

# end of

The output of the above script will list the system boards with 
down-rev Part Number (P/N 501-4349-XX or 501-6525-XX) I/O Mezz boards, 
and will list the total of these Boards in the system, for example:

ssp2:domain2% ./
Checking board

Down-rev I/O Boards:
ssp2:SB:0: Part Number 501-4349-04
ssp2:SB:1: Part Number 501-4349-04
ssp2:SB:8: Part Number 501-4349-04
ssp2:SB:15: Part Number 501-4349-50
ssp2:SB:9: Part Number 501-6525-04
ssp2:SB:10: Part Number 501-6525-04

Total number of down-rev I/O Boards: 6


A small number of 501-4349-XX I/O Boards were incorrectly programmed
with the Part Number 501-6525-XX. If this I/O Board Part Number is
detected, it should be processed as Part Number 501-4349-XX.


Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]

Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.