Document fcos/A0139-1

FCO #: A0139-1

SYNOPSIS: Any Ultra PCI-based system with the PGX Graphics PCI Frame Buffer
          installed may display a vertical black stripe while running in the
          OpenWindows environment.

DATE: Nov/25/98

KEYWORDS: Any Ultra PCI-based system with the PGX Graphics PCI Frame Buffer
          installed may display a vertical black stripe while running in the
          OpenWindows environment.

        - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD CHANGE ORDER
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

SYNOPSIS: Any Ultra PCI-based system with the PGX Graphics PCI Frame Buffer 
          installed may display a vertical black stripe while running in 
          the OpenWindows environment.



PRODUCT CATEGORY: Display / Frame buffer


Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description                 Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------                 -------------

Systems Affected
------- ---------
A26      E250       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 250              -
A25      E450       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 450              -
A23      A23        ALL     Ultra 60                          -
A22      A22        ALL     Ultra 10                          -
A21      A21        ALL     Ultra 5                           -
A20      E450       ALL     Ultra 450                         -
A16      A16        ALL     Ultra 30                          -
E6500   E6500       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 6500             -
E6000   E6000       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 6000             -
E5500   E5500       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 5500             -
E5000   E5000       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 5000             -
E4500   E4500       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 4500             -
E4000   E4000       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 4000             -
E3500   E3500       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 3500             -
E3000   E3000       ALL     Ultra Enterprise 3000             -

X-options Affected    
--------- --------
X3660A     -         -      PGX Color Frame Buffer            -
X7128A     -         -      17" Entry Color, PGX CFB          -
X7138A     -         -      20" Entry Color, PGX CFB          -
X7148A     -         -      24" Entry Color, PGX CFB          -


Part Number   Description                             Model
-----------   -----------                             -------
370-2256-02   PGX PCI-based 8-bit Color Frame Buffer    -

(SCSI Devices)
Type    Vendor    Model     SerialNumber(Min)    SerialNumber(Max)    Firmware
----    ------    -------   ------------------   ------------------   --------

   ECO: WO_12630
   LEAP: 916
   WW StopShip: WW001#03536
   BugId: 4134497


Any Ultra PCI-based system with the PGX Graphics PCI Frame Buffer (Sun
p/n 370-2256-02) installed may display a vertical black stripe down the
middle of the screen while operating in the OpenWindows environment.
This only occurs on PGX Frame Buffers where Fcode version 1.09 is
present.  Fcode version 1.06 does not experience this condition.

Unreleased Fcode version 1.09, which was inadvertently cut into the
370-2256-02, incorrectly sets the memory size in the MEM_CNTL register
to 4M when the board only has 2M as reported under Bud ID 4134497.
Current Fcode version 1.11 corrects this problem.  Suspect parts can be
visually identified by reading the label on the EPROM located at U4 on
the PGX card.  The EPROM will have the following annotation:

  SUN nach64 PCI
  113-377-1-109  (109 indicates 1.09 Fcode)
  (C) 1998

Fcode version 1.11 was incorporated into the 370-2256-03 within Manufacturing 
starting in late May 1998 via ECO# WO_12630.  All 370-2256-02 boards were
purged from Manufacturing in August 1998 via StopShip/Purge WW001#03536 and 
within Enterprise Services as late as October 1998 via LEAP_916.


  	|   |  	MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)

  	|   | 	CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 



Upon failure replace 370-2256-02 with 370-2256-03.


 Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty 
           Service. On-Site Labor Rates are based on how the
           system was initially installed.

 Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. On-Site Labor Rates
           are based on the type of service contract.

 Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. Installation by
               Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates 
               defined in the Price List.

Implementation Footnote:

i)   In case of Mandatory FCOs, Enterprise Services will attempt to contact
      all known customers to recommend the part upgrade.

ii)  For controlled proactive swap FCOs, Enterprise Services mission critical
     support teams will initiate proactive swap efforts for their respective 
     accounts, as required.

iii) For Replace upon Failure FCOs, Enterprise Services partners will implement

     the necessary corrective actions as and when they are required.

All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access: 
* Access the top level URL of http://cte.corp/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "SunService Documentation"
  click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the appropriate
  FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for FINs or
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM


Send questions or comments to [email protected]


Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.