ISP-80 / IPI-2
SS670MP / SS690MP
Options 408 / 418
501-1539 / 501-1855

- 11.8 Amps @ +5Vdc
- 59.0 Watts
Base Address Select Switches
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
SW1603 |
AM0 |
AM1 |
A10 |
A11 |
A12 |
A13 |
A14 |
A15 |
SW1602 |
A16 |
A17 |
A18 |
A19 |
A20 |
A21 |
A22 |
A23 |
SW1601 |
A24 |
A25 |
A26 |
A27 |
A28 |
A29 |
A30 |
A31 |
Switch and Jumper Settings

- Dip Switches 3, 4, and 5 of SW1603, select bits A10, A11, and A12 of the
controller base address. These are the only switches changed to configure
multiple controllers.
Jumper JM2
1-2 |
In |
Enable UART clock |
ISP-80 / IPI-2
A minimum ISP-80 firmware level is required to support these products.
U0501 |
U0502 |
U0503 |
911MB Disk |
525-1023-05 |
525-1024-07 |
525-1025-07 |
Prestoserve |
525-1023-05 |
525-1024-08 |
525-1025-08 |
1.3GB Disk |
525-1023-05 |
525-1024-08 |
525-1025-08 |
Dual Port |
525-1023-05 |
525-1024-09 |
525-1025-09 |
SNC 1.2 |
525-1023-05 |
525-1024-10 |
525-1025-10 |
These ISP-80 part numbers have the firmware level required for the
products listed.
ISP-80 |
ISP-80 |
4400 CPU |
501-1539-04 |
501-1855-01 |
911MB Disk |
501-1539-05 |
501-1855-01 |
Prestoserve |
501-1539-08 |
501-1855-02 |
1.3GB Disk |
501-1539-09 |
501-1855-03 |
Dual Port |
501-1539-09 |
501-1855-03 |
SNC 1.2 |
501-1539-10 |
501-1855-04 |
DP Bug fixes |
501-1539-10 |
501-1855-04 |
- Upgrade lower revision ISP-80 boards with firmware Option X2080A.
- Do not install firmware Option X2080A on ISP-80 501-1539-06. An unused
trace may cause a system reset. Replace the ISP-80.
- Booting from an alternate controller (1, 2, 3, or 4) is not supported
on the 4300 and 4400 systems. Refer to Bug ID 1027710.
- ISP-80 Disk Controller Configuration Procedures, 813-2065-10.
- ISP-80 Disk Controller Installation and Configuration Procedures for the Sun 12-Slot Office
Pedestal, 813-1103-10.
- ISP-80 Disk Controller Installation and Configuration Procedures, 813-1050-11.
- ISP-80 Disk Controller PROM Upgrade Manual, 813-6089-11.
Last updated: December 2, 1996