Dual AY-3-8910 MIDI module

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For the last couple years I've been fascinated by MIDI and its ability to both play music in real time and record the signalling for later playback and refinement. That's all well and good but wheres the fun in just buying off the shelf equipment when you could make your own? Specifically I'm calking about MIDI controlled "sound modules" that take a MIDI input, and output sound. Often you would use MIDI to control a synthesizer, electric piano, or some other purpose built instrument; but why not programmable sound generators (PSG) like an AY-3-8910 from General Instruments!

There are several guides and hundreds of other people that have done this previously with a single chip but I want to control two chips at once. A single 8910 has 3 output channels, so it can play 3 notes at once. With a bit of work, and the correct timing, multiple chips can be used together to increase the note count.

My work below is a derivative of the code and design by TheSpodShed on Instructables available here: https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-MIDI-Chiptune-Synthesizer/


The AY-3-9810 is relatively simple to work with requiring only a data bus, a couple control lines, a 1 MHz clock, and reset. The datasheet (available here) describes the connectivity requirements in detail. The code by TheSpodShed has a neat feature where if more than 3 notes are played at once one of the middle notes will be dropped while the highest and lowest notes continue to play. This does a pretty good job of getting around the note limitation but it isn't without its faults.

To control two chips the data bus, clock, and reset can be shared but we need two more I/O pins on the Arduino (more on this later).

The circuit

Dual AY-3-8910 circuit.png

The entire circuit is powered by over USB and the Arduino generates the 1 MHz clock for simplicity's sake.

AY-3-8910 control.png

The AY-3-8910 datasheet provides a reduced control scheme to save an I/O pin but I was unable to get this work reliably. I instead came up with an alternative reduced control scheme.

The original control scheme can be reduced to a much simpler to use method where BC1 is grounded and READ is never used. This allows the Arduino to change one output at a time to transition between states removing the need for precise timing.

BDIR BC2 BC1 Function
1 1 0 WRITE
1 0 0 LATCH


You will need the Arduino MIDI library installed as well as the USBMIDI library if you want to use USB.

Download here: File:Dual AY-3-8910 MIDI.ino

  1 // Uncomment to enable traiditonal serial midi
  2 #define SERIALMIDI
  4 // Uncomment to enable USB midi
  5 #define USBMIDI
  7 // Uncomment to enable debugging output over USB serial
  8 //#define DEBUG
 10 #include <avr/io.h>
 12 #ifdef USBMIDI
 13 #include "MIDIUSB.h"
 14 #endif
 16 // We borrow one struct from MIDIUSB for traditional serial midi, so define it if were not using USBMIDI
 17 #ifndef MIDIUSB_h
 18 typedef struct
 19 {
 20   uint8_t header;
 21   uint8_t byte1;
 22   uint8_t byte2;
 23   uint8_t byte3;
 24 } midiEventPacket_t;
 25 #endif
 27 #ifdef SERIALMIDI
 28 #include <MIDI.h>
 29 MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, MIDI);//Serial1 on pro micro
 30 #endif
 32 typedef unsigned short int ushort;
 34 typedef unsigned char note_t;
 35 #define NOTE_OFF 0
 37 typedef unsigned char midictrl_t;
 39 // Pin driver ---------------------------------------------
 41 static const int dbus[8] = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 };
 43 static const ushort
 44   BC2_A = 16,
 45   BDIR_A = 14,
 46   BC2_B = A0,
 47   BDIR_B = A1,
 48   nRESET = 15,
 49   clkOUT = 9;
 51 static const ushort DIVISOR = 7; // Set for 1MHz clock
 53 static void clockSetup() {
 54    // Timer 1 setup for Mega32U4 devices
 55    //
 56    // Use CTC mode: WGM13..0 = 0100
 57    // Toggle OC1A on Compare Match: COM1A1..0 = 01
 58    // Use ClkIO with no prescaling: CS12..0 = 001
 59    // Interrupts off: TIMSK0 = 0
 60    // OCR0A = interval value
 62    TCCR1A = (1 << COM1A0);
 63    TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS10);
 64    TCCR1C = 0;
 65    TIMSK1 = 0;
 66    OCR1AH = 0;
 67    OCR1AL = DIVISOR; // NB write high byte first
 68 }
 70 static void setData(unsigned char db) {
 71   unsigned char bit = 1;
 72   for (ushort i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
 73     digitalWrite(dbus[i], (db & bit) ? HIGH : LOW);
 74     bit <<= 1;
 75   }
 76 }
 78 static void writeReg_A(unsigned char reg, unsigned char db) {
 79   // This is a bit of an odd way to do it, BC1 is kept low and NACT, BAR, IAB, and DWS are used.
 80   // BC1 is kept low the entire time.
 82   // Inactive (BDIR BC2 BC1 0 0 0)
 83   digitalWrite(BDIR_A, LOW);
 84   digitalWrite(BC2_A, LOW);
 86   //Set register address
 87   setData(reg);
 89   // BAR (Latch) (BDIR BC2 BC1 1 0 0)
 90   digitalWrite(BDIR_A, HIGH);
 92   // Inactive (BDIR BC2 BC1 0 0 0)
 93   digitalWrite(BDIR_A, LOW);
 95   //Set register contents
 96   setData(db);
 98   // Write (BDIR BC2 BC1 1 1 0)
 99   digitalWrite(BC2_A, HIGH);
100   digitalWrite(BDIR_A, HIGH);
102   // Inactive (BDIR BC2 BC1 0 0 0)
103   digitalWrite(BC2_A, LOW);
104   digitalWrite(BDIR_A, LOW);
105 }
107 static void writeReg_B(unsigned char reg, unsigned char db) {
108   // This is a bit of an odd way to do it, BC1 is kept low and NACT, BAR, IAB, and DWS are used.
109   // BC1 is kept low the entire time.
111   // Inactive (BDIR BC2 BC1 0 0 0)
112   digitalWrite(BDIR_B, LOW);
113   digitalWrite(BC2_B, LOW);
115   //Set register address
116   setData(reg);
118   // BAR (Latch) (BDIR BC2 BC1 1 0 0)
119   digitalWrite(BDIR_B, HIGH);
121   // Inactive (BDIR BC2 BC1 0 0 0)
122   digitalWrite(BDIR_B, LOW);
124   //Set register contents
125   setData(db);
127   // Write (BDIR BC2 BC1 1 1 0)
128   digitalWrite(BC2_B, HIGH);
129   digitalWrite(BDIR_B, HIGH);
131   // Inactive (BDIR BC2 BC1 0 0 0)
132   digitalWrite(BC2_B, LOW);
133   digitalWrite(BDIR_B, LOW);
134 }
136 // AY-3-8910 driver ---------------------------------------
138 class PSGRegs {
139 public:
140   enum {
141     TONEALOW = 0,
142     TONEAHIGH,
143     TONEBLOW,
144     TONEBHIGH,
145     TONECLOW,
146     TONECHIGH,
147     NOISEGEN,
148     MIXER,
150     TONEAAMPL,
151     TONEBAMPL,
152     TONECAMPL,
153     ENVLOW,
154     ENVHIGH,
155     ENVSHAPE,
156     IOA,
157     IOB
158   };
160   unsigned char regs_A[16];
161   unsigned char regs_B[16];
163   unsigned char lastregs_A[16];
164   unsigned char lastregs_B[16];
166   void init() {
167     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
168       regs_A[i] = lastregs_A[i] = 0xFF;
169       writeReg_A(i, regs_A[i]);
171       regs_B[i] = lastregs_B[i] = 0xFF;
172       writeReg_B(i, regs_B[i]);
173     }
174   }
176   void update() {
177     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
178       if (regs_A[i] != lastregs_A[i]) {
179         writeReg_A(i, regs_A[i]);
180         lastregs_A[i] = regs_A[i];
181       }
183       if (regs_B[i] != lastregs_B[i]) {
184         writeReg_B(i, regs_B[i]);
185         lastregs_B[i] = regs_B[i];
186       }
187     }
188   }
190   void setTone(ushort ch, ushort divisor, ushort ampl) {
191     if (ch > 2) {
192       //reduce channel to usable range
193       ch = ch - 3;
194       //use regs_B
195       regs_B[TONEALOW  + (ch<<1)] = (divisor & 0xFF);
196       regs_B[TONEAHIGH + (ch<<1)] = (divisor >> 8);
197       regs_B[TONEAAMPL + ch] = ampl;
199       ushort mask = (8+1) << ch;
200       regs_B[MIXER] = (regs_B[MIXER] | mask) ^ (1 << ch);
202       return;
203     }
205     regs_A[TONEALOW  + (ch<<1)] = (divisor & 0xFF);
206     regs_A[TONEAHIGH + (ch<<1)] = (divisor >> 8);
207     regs_A[TONEAAMPL + ch] = ampl;
209     ushort mask = (8+1) << ch;
210     regs_A[MIXER] = (regs_A[MIXER] | mask) ^ (1 << ch);
211   }
213   void setToneAndNoise(ushort ch, ushort divisor, ushort noisefreq, ushort ampl) {
214     if (ch > 2) {
215       //reduce channel to usable range
216       ch = ch - 3;
217       //use regs_B
218       regs_B[TONEALOW  + (ch<<1)] = (divisor & 0xFF);
219       regs_B[TONEAHIGH + (ch<<1)] = (divisor >> 8);
220       regs_B[NOISEGEN] = noisefreq;
221       regs_B[TONEAAMPL + ch] = ampl;
223       ushort mask = (8+1) << ch;
224       ushort bits = (noisefreq < 16 ? 8 : 0) + (divisor > 0 ? 1 : 0);
225       regs_B[MIXER] = (regs_B[MIXER] | mask) ^ (bits << ch);
227       return;
228     }
230     regs_A[TONEALOW  + (ch<<1)] = (divisor & 0xFF);
231     regs_A[TONEAHIGH + (ch<<1)] = (divisor >> 8);
232     regs_A[NOISEGEN] = noisefreq;
233     regs_A[TONEAAMPL + ch] = ampl;
235     ushort mask = (8+1) << ch;
236     ushort bits = (noisefreq < 16 ? 8 : 0) + (divisor > 0 ? 1 : 0);
237     regs_A[MIXER] = (regs_A[MIXER] | mask) ^ (bits << ch);
238   }
240   void setEnvelope(ushort divisor, ushort shape) {
241     regs_A[ENVLOW]  = (divisor & 0xFF);
242     regs_A[ENVHIGH] = (divisor >> 8);
243     regs_A[ENVSHAPE] = shape;
245     regs_B[ENVLOW]  = (divisor & 0xFF);
246     regs_B[ENVHIGH] = (divisor >> 8);
247     regs_B[ENVSHAPE] = shape; 
248   }
250   void setOff(ushort ch) {
251     if (ch > 2) {
252       //reduce channel to usable range
253       ch = ch - 3;
254       //use regs_B
255       ushort mask = (8+1) << ch;
256       regs_B[MIXER] = (regs_A[MIXER] | mask);
257       regs_B[TONEAAMPL + ch] = 0;
258       if (regs_B[ENVSHAPE] != 0) {
259         regs_B[ENVSHAPE] = 0;
260         update(); // Force flush
261       }
263       return;
264     }
266     ushort mask = (8+1) << ch;
267     regs_A[MIXER] = (regs_A[MIXER] | mask);
268     regs_A[TONEAAMPL + ch] = 0;
269     if (regs_A[ENVSHAPE] != 0) {
270       regs_A[ENVSHAPE] = 0;
271       update(); // Force flush
272     }
273   }
274 };
276 static PSGRegs psg;
278 // Voice generation ---------------------------------------
280 static const ushort
281   MIDI_MIN = 24,
282   MIDI_MAX = 96,
285 static const ushort note_table[N_NOTES] = {
286    1911, // MIDI 24, 32.70 Hz
287    1804, // MIDI 25, 34.65 Hz
288    1703, // MIDI 26, 36.71 Hz
289    1607, // MIDI 27, 38.89 Hz
290    1517, // MIDI 28, 41.20 Hz
291    1432, // MIDI 29, 43.65 Hz
292    1351, // MIDI 30, 46.25 Hz
293    1276, // MIDI 31, 49.00 Hz
294    1204, // MIDI 32, 51.91 Hz
295    1136, // MIDI 33, 55.00 Hz
296    1073, // MIDI 34, 58.27 Hz
297    1012, // MIDI 35, 61.74 Hz
298    956, // MIDI 36, 65.41 Hz
299    902, // MIDI 37, 69.30 Hz
300    851, // MIDI 38, 73.42 Hz
301    804, // MIDI 39, 77.78 Hz
302    758, // MIDI 40, 82.41 Hz
303    716, // MIDI 41, 87.31 Hz
304    676, // MIDI 42, 92.50 Hz
305    638, // MIDI 43, 98.00 Hz
306    602, // MIDI 44, 103.83 Hz
307    568, // MIDI 45, 110.00 Hz
308    536, // MIDI 46, 116.54 Hz
309    506, // MIDI 47, 123.47 Hz
310    478, // MIDI 48, 130.81 Hz
311    451, // MIDI 49, 138.59 Hz
312    426, // MIDI 50, 146.83 Hz
313    402, // MIDI 51, 155.56 Hz
314    379, // MIDI 52, 164.81 Hz
315    358, // MIDI 53, 174.61 Hz
316    338, // MIDI 54, 185.00 Hz
317    319, // MIDI 55, 196.00 Hz
318    301, // MIDI 56, 207.65 Hz
319    284, // MIDI 57, 220.00 Hz
320    268, // MIDI 58, 233.08 Hz
321    253, // MIDI 59, 246.94 Hz
322    239, // MIDI 60, 261.63 Hz
323    225, // MIDI 61, 277.18 Hz
324    213, // MIDI 62, 293.66 Hz
325    201, // MIDI 63, 311.13 Hz
326    190, // MIDI 64, 329.63 Hz
327    179, // MIDI 65, 349.23 Hz
328    169, // MIDI 66, 369.99 Hz
329    159, // MIDI 67, 392.00 Hz
330    150, // MIDI 68, 415.30 Hz
331    142, // MIDI 69, 440.00 Hz
332    134, // MIDI 70, 466.16 Hz
333    127, // MIDI 71, 493.88 Hz
334    119, // MIDI 72, 523.25 Hz
335    113, // MIDI 73, 554.37 Hz
336    106, // MIDI 74, 587.33 Hz
337    100, // MIDI 75, 622.25 Hz
338    95, // MIDI 76, 659.26 Hz
339    89, // MIDI 77, 698.46 Hz
340    84, // MIDI 78, 739.99 Hz
341    80, // MIDI 79, 783.99 Hz
342    75, // MIDI 80, 830.61 Hz
343    71, // MIDI 81, 880.00 Hz
344    67, // MIDI 82, 932.33 Hz
345    63, // MIDI 83, 987.77 Hz
346    60, // MIDI 84, 1046.50 Hz
347    56, // MIDI 85, 1108.73 Hz
348    53, // MIDI 86, 1174.66 Hz
349    50, // MIDI 87, 1244.51 Hz
350    47, // MIDI 88, 1318.51 Hz
351    45, // MIDI 89, 1396.91 Hz
352    42, // MIDI 90, 1479.98 Hz
353    40, // MIDI 91, 1567.98 Hz
354    38, // MIDI 92, 1661.22 Hz
355    36, // MIDI 93, 1760.00 Hz
356    34, // MIDI 94, 1864.66 Hz
357    32, // MIDI 95, 1975.53 Hz
358    30, // MIDI 96, 2093.00 Hz
359 };
361 struct FXParams {
362   ushort noisefreq;
363   ushort tonefreq;
364   ushort envdecay;
365   ushort freqdecay;
366   ushort timer;
367 };
369 struct ToneParams {
370   ushort decay;
371   ushort sustain; // Values 0..32
372   ushort release;
373 };
375 static const ushort MAX_TONES = 4;
376 static const ToneParams tones[MAX_TONES] = {
377   { 30, 24, 10 },
378   { 30, 12, 8 },
379   { 5,  8,  7 },
380   { 10, 31, 30 }
381 };
383 class Voice {
384 public:
385   ushort m_chan;  // Index to psg channel 
386   ushort m_pitch;
387   int m_ampl, m_decay, m_sustain, m_release;
388   static const int AMPL_MAX = 1023;
389   ushort m_adsr;
391   void init (ushort chan) {
392     m_chan = chan;
393     m_ampl = m_sustain = 0;
394     kill();
395   }
397   void start(note_t note, midictrl_t vel, midictrl_t chan) {
398     const ToneParams *tp = &tones[chan % MAX_TONES];
400     m_pitch = note_table[note - MIDI_MIN];
401     if (vel > 127) {
402       m_ampl = AMPL_MAX;
403     }
404     else {
405       m_ampl = 768 + (vel << 1);
406     }
407     m_decay = tp->decay;
408     m_sustain = (m_ampl * tp->sustain) >> 5;
409     m_release = tp->release;
410     m_adsr = 'D';
411     psg.setTone(m_chan, m_pitch, m_ampl >> 6);
412   }
414   struct FXParams m_fxp;
416   void startFX(const struct FXParams &fxp) {
417     m_fxp = fxp;
419     if (m_ampl > 0) {
420       psg.setOff(m_chan);
421     }
422     m_ampl = AMPL_MAX;
423     m_adsr = 'X';
424     m_decay = fxp.timer;
426     psg.setEnvelope(fxp.envdecay, 9); 
427     psg.setToneAndNoise(m_chan, fxp.tonefreq, fxp.noisefreq, 31);
428   }
431   void stop() {
432     if (m_adsr == 'X') {
433       return; // Will finish when ready...
434     }
436     if (m_ampl > 0) {
437       m_adsr = 'R';
438     }
439     else {
440       psg.setOff(m_chan);
441     }
442   }
444   void update100Hz() {
445     if (m_ampl == 0) {
446       return;
447     }
449     switch(m_adsr) {
450       case 'D':
451         m_ampl -= m_decay;
452         if (m_ampl <= m_sustain) {
453           m_adsr = 'S';
454           m_ampl = m_sustain;
455         }
456         break;
458       case 'S':
459         break;
461       case 'R':
462         if ( m_ampl < m_release ) {
463           m_ampl = 0;
464         }
465         else {
466           m_ampl -= m_release;
467         }
468         break;
470       case 'X':
471         // FX is playing.         
472         if (m_fxp.freqdecay > 0) { 
473           m_fxp.tonefreq += m_fxp.freqdecay;
474           psg.setToneAndNoise(m_chan, m_fxp.tonefreq, m_fxp.noisefreq, 31);
475         }
477         m_ampl -= m_decay;
478         if (m_ampl <= 0) {
479           psg.setOff(m_chan);
480           m_ampl = 0;
481         }
482         return;
484       default:
485         break;
486     }  
488     if (m_ampl > 0) {
489       psg.setTone(m_chan, m_pitch, m_ampl >> 6);
490     }
491     else {
492       psg.setOff(m_chan);    
493     }
494   }
496   bool isPlaying() {
497     return (m_ampl > 0);
498   }
500   void kill() {
501     psg.setOff(m_chan);
502     m_ampl = 0;
503   }
504 };
507 const ushort MAX_VOICES = 6;
509 static Voice voices[MAX_VOICES];
511 // MIDI synthesiser ---------------------------------------
513 // Deals with assigning note on/note off to voices
515 static const uint8_t PERC_CHANNEL = 9;
517 static const note_t
518   PERC_MIN = 35,
519   PERC_MAX = 50;
521 static const struct FXParams perc_params[PERC_MAX-PERC_MIN+1] = {
522   // Mappings are from the General MIDI spec at https://www.midi.org/specifications-old/item/gm-level-1-sound-set
524   // Params are: noisefreq, tonefreq, envdecay, freqdecay, timer
526   { 9, 900, 800, 40, 50 },   // 35 Acoustic bass drum
527   { 8, 1000, 700, 40, 50 },  // 36 (C) Bass Drum 1
528   { 4, 0, 300, 0, 80 },      // 37 Side Stick
529   { 6, 0, 1200, 0, 30  },    // 38 Acoustic snare
531   { 5, 0, 1500, 0, 90 },     // 39 (D#) Hand clap
532   { 6, 400, 1200, 11, 30  }, // 40 Electric snare
533   { 16, 700, 800, 20, 30 },  // 41 Low floor tom
534   { 0, 0, 300, 0, 80 },      // 42 Closed Hi Hat
536   { 16, 400, 800, 13, 30 },   // 43 (G) High Floor Tom
537   { 0, 0, 600, 0, 50 },      // 44 Pedal Hi-Hat
538   { 16, 800, 1400, 30, 25 }, // 45 Low Tom
539   { 0, 0, 800, 0, 40 },      // 46 Open Hi-Hat
541   { 16, 600, 1400, 20, 25 }, // 47 (B) Low-Mid Tom
542   { 16, 450, 1500, 15, 22 }, // 48 Hi-Mid Tom
543   { 1, 0, 1800, 0, 25 },     // 49 Crash Cymbal 1
544   { 16, 300, 1500, 10, 22 }, // 50 High Tom
545 };
549 static const int REQ_MAP_SIZE = (N_NOTES+7) / 8;
550 static uint8_t m_requestMap[REQ_MAP_SIZE];
551   // Bit is set for each note being requested
552 static  midictrl_t m_velocity[N_NOTES];
553   // Requested velocity for each note
554 static  midictrl_t m_chan[N_NOTES];
555   // Requested MIDI channel for each note
556 static uint8_t m_highest, m_lowest;
557   // Highest and lowest requested notes
559 static const uint8_t NO_NOTE = 0xFF;
560 static const uint8_t PERC_NOTE = 0xFE;
561 static uint8_t m_playing[MAX_VOICES];
562   // Which note each voice is playing
564 static const uint8_t NO_VOICE = 0xFF;
565 static uint8_t m_voiceNo[N_NOTES];
566   // Which voice is playing each note
569 static bool startNote(ushort idx) {
570   for (ushort i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) {
571     if (m_playing[i] == NO_NOTE) {
572       voices[i].start(MIDI_MIN + idx, m_velocity[idx], m_chan[idx]);
573       m_playing[i] = idx;
574       m_voiceNo[idx] = i;
575       return true;
576     }
577   }
578   return false;
579 }
581 static bool startPercussion(note_t note) {
582   ushort i;
583   for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) {
584     if (m_playing[i] == NO_NOTE || m_playing[i] == PERC_NOTE) {
585       if (note >= PERC_MIN && note <= PERC_MAX) {
586         voices[i].startFX(perc_params[note-PERC_MIN]);
587         m_playing[i] = PERC_NOTE;
588       }
589       return true;
590     }        
591   }
592   return false;
593 }
595 static bool stopNote(ushort idx) {
596   uint8_t v = m_voiceNo[idx];
597   if (v != NO_VOICE) {
598     voices[v].stop();
599     m_playing[v] = NO_NOTE;
600     m_voiceNo[idx] = NO_VOICE;
601     return true;
602   }
603   return false;
604 }
606 static void stopOneNote() {
607   uint8_t v, chosen = NO_NOTE;
609   // At this point we have run out of voices.
610   // Pick a voice and stop it. We leave a voice alone
611   // if it's playing the highest requested note. If it's
612   // playing the lowest requested note we look for a 'better'
613   // note, but stop it if none found.
615   for (v = 0; v < MAX_VOICES; v++) {
616     uint8_t idx = m_playing[v];
617     if (idx == NO_NOTE) {// Uh? Perhaps called by mistake.
618       return;
619     }
621     if (idx == m_highest) {
622       continue;
623     }
625     if (idx == PERC_NOTE) {
626       continue;
627     }
629     chosen = idx;
630     if (idx != m_lowest) {
631       break;
632     }
633     // else keep going, we may find a better one
634   }
636   if (chosen != NO_NOTE) {
637     stopNote(chosen);
638   }
639 }
641 static void updateRequestedNotes() {
642   m_highest = m_lowest = NO_NOTE;
643   ushort i,j;
645   // Check highest requested note is playing
646   // Return true if note was restarted; false if already playing 
647   for (i = 0; i < REQ_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
648     uint8_t req = m_requestMap[i];
649     if (req == 0) {
650       continue;
651     }
653     for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
654       if (req & (1 << j)) {
655         ushort idx = i*8 + j;
656         if (m_lowest == NO_NOTE || m_lowest > idx) {
657           m_lowest = idx;
658         }
659         if (m_highest==NO_NOTE || m_highest < idx)  {
660           m_highest = idx;
661         }
662       }
663     }
664   }
665 }
667 static bool restartANote() {
668   if (m_highest != NO_NOTE && m_voiceNo[m_highest] == NO_VOICE) {
669     return startNote(m_highest);
670   }
672   if (m_lowest != NO_NOTE && m_voiceNo[m_lowest] == NO_VOICE) {
673     return startNote(m_lowest);
674   }
676   return false;
677 }
679 static void synth_init () {
680   ushort i;
682   for (i = 0; i < REQ_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
683     m_requestMap[i] = 0;
684   }
686   for (i = 0; i < N_NOTES; i++) {
687     m_velocity[i] = 0;
688     m_voiceNo[i] = NO_VOICE;
689   }
691   for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) {
692     m_playing[i] = NO_NOTE;
693   }
695   m_highest = m_lowest = NO_NOTE;
696 }
698 static void noteOff(midictrl_t chan, note_t note, midictrl_t vel) {
699   if (chan == PERC_CHANNEL || note < MIDI_MIN || note > MIDI_MAX) {
700     return; // Just ignore it
701   }
703   ushort idx = note - MIDI_MIN;
705   m_requestMap[idx/8] &= ~(1 << (idx & 7));
706   m_velocity[idx] = 0;
707   updateRequestedNotes();
709   if (stopNote(idx)) {
710     restartANote();
711   }
712 }
714 static void noteOn(midictrl_t chan, note_t note, midictrl_t vel) {
715   if (vel == 0) {
716     noteOff(chan, note, 0);
717     return;
718   }
720   if (chan == PERC_CHANNEL) {
721     if (!startPercussion(note)) {
722       stopOneNote();
723       startPercussion(note);
724     }
725     return;
726   }
728   // Regular note processing now
730   if (note < MIDI_MIN || note > MIDI_MAX) {
731     return; // Just ignore it
732   }
734   ushort idx = note - MIDI_MIN;
736   if (m_voiceNo[idx] != NO_VOICE) {
737     return; // Already playing. Ignore this request.
738   }
740   m_requestMap[idx/8] |= 1 << (idx & 7);
741   m_velocity[idx] = vel;
742   m_chan[idx] = chan;
743   updateRequestedNotes();
745   if (!startNote(idx)) {
746      stopOneNote();
747      startNote(idx);
748   }
749 }
752 static void update100Hz() {
753   for (ushort i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) {
754     voices[i].update100Hz();
755     if (m_playing[i] == PERC_NOTE && ! (voices[i].isPlaying())) {
756       m_playing[i] = NO_NOTE;
757       restartANote();
758     }        
759   }
760 }
762 // Main code ----------------------------------------------
764 static unsigned long lastUpdate = 0;
766 void setup() {
767   // Hold in reset while we set up the reset
768   pinMode(nRESET, OUTPUT);
769   digitalWrite(nRESET, LOW);
771   pinMode(clkOUT, OUTPUT);
772   digitalWrite(clkOUT, LOW);
773   clockSetup();
775   pinMode(BC2_A, OUTPUT);
776   digitalWrite(BC2_A, LOW); // BC2 low
777   pinMode(BDIR_A, OUTPUT);
778   digitalWrite(BDIR_A, LOW); // BDIR low
780   pinMode(BC2_B, OUTPUT);
781   digitalWrite(BC2_B, LOW); // BC2 low
782   pinMode(BDIR_B, OUTPUT);
783   digitalWrite(BDIR_B, LOW); // BDIR low
785   for (ushort i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
786     pinMode(dbus[i], OUTPUT);
787     digitalWrite(dbus[i], LOW); // Set bus low
788   }
790   delay(100);
791   digitalWrite(nRESET, HIGH); // Release Reset
792   delay(10);
794   lastUpdate = millis();
796   psg.init();
797   for (ushort i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) {
798     voices[i].init(i);
799   }
800   synth_init();
802 #ifdef DEBUG
803     Serial.begin(115200);
804 #endif
806 #ifdef SERIALMIDI
807   // Initiate MIDI communications, listen to all channels
809 #endif
810 }
812 void handleMidiMessage(midiEventPacket_t &rx) {
813   if (rx.header==0x9) {// Note on
814     noteOn(rx.byte1 & 0xF, rx.byte2, rx.byte3);
815   }
816   else if (rx.header==0x8) {// Note off
817     noteOff(rx.byte1 & 0xF, rx.byte2, rx.byte3);
818   }
819   else if (rx.header==0xB) {// Control Change
820     if (rx.byte2 == 0x78 || rx.byte2 == 0x79 || rx.byte2 == 0x7B) {// AllSoundOff, ResetAllControllers, or AllNotesOff
821       // Kill Voices
822       for (ushort i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) {
823         voices[i].kill();
824       }
825     }
826   }
827 }
829 void loop() {
830   midiEventPacket_t rx;
832 #ifdef USBMIDI
833   rx = MidiUSB.read();
835 #ifdef DEBUG
836   //MIDI debugging
837   if (rx.header != 0) {
838     Serial.print("Received USB: ");
839     Serial.print(rx.header, HEX);
840     Serial.print("-");
841     Serial.print(rx.byte1, HEX);
842     Serial.print("-");
843     Serial.print(rx.byte2, HEX);
844     Serial.print("-");
845     Serial.println(rx.byte3, HEX);
846   }
847 #endif
849   handleMidiMessage(rx);
850 #endif
852 #ifdef SERIALMIDI
853   //Check for serial MIDI messages
854   //MIDI.read();
855   while (MIDI.read()) {
856     // Create midiEventPacket_t
857     rx = 
858       {
859         byte(MIDI.getType() >>4), 
860         byte(MIDI.getType() | ((MIDI.getChannel()-1) & 0x0f)), /* getChannel() returns values from 1 to 16 */
861         MIDI.getData1(), 
862         MIDI.getData2()
863       };
865 #ifdef DEBUG
866     //MIDI debugging
867     if (rx.header != 0) {
868       Serial.print("Received MIDI: ");
869       Serial.print(rx.header, HEX);
870       Serial.print("-");
871       Serial.print(rx.byte1, HEX);
872       Serial.print("-");
873       Serial.print(rx.byte2, HEX);
874       Serial.print("-");
875       Serial.println(rx.byte3, HEX);
876     }
877 #endif
879     handleMidiMessage(rx);
880   }
881 #endif
883   unsigned long now = millis();
884   if ((now - lastUpdate) > 10) {
885     update100Hz();
886     lastUpdate += 10;
887   }
889   psg.update();
890 }

Putting it all together

I'm a fan of the cast aluminum enclosures sold by Tayda Electronics which provide a nice finished product if you take your time in construction.

Unfortunately I didn't document most of the process but here are some important steps:

When drilling through the enclosure cover the outside in masking tape to protect the finish

AY build 1.jpg

Its easier to make notches for the screw mounts on MIDI connectors then to drill holes for them.

AY build 2.jpg

Put a small amount of clear nail polish around any holes to prevent the pain from peeling.

AY build 3.jpg

Plan the locations of your connectors carefully to maximize the available internal space, and leave lots of slack!

AY build 4.jpg

Once you know the dimensions you have to work with arrange the major components first, then start building the circuit one section at a time. This was when I had completed the MIDI input circuit.

AY build 5.jpg

Run power and simple shared connections early on. This is power, MIDI input, and the entire audio output stage completed. Make sure you check for shorts often!

AY build 6.jpg

Clocking, reset, and BDIR/BC2 added.

AY build 7.jpg

Data bus added, all finished!

AY build 8.jpg

Don't be like me. Use thinner wire than 24 AWG.

AY build 9.jpg

Time to test! Arduino Pro Micro (clone), 6n137, and two AY-3-8910 socketed and ready to go.

AY build 10.jpg

Checking the final fit with a plastic sheet glued down under the board to prevent shorting against the case.

AY build 11.jpg

How can I prevent the board from rattling around in the case? A handful of anti-static packing peanuts should do the trick! (The closed case will crush them against the board)

AY build 12.jpg

Added four rubber feet to stop it from sliding around and wrecking the nice paint.

AY build 13.jpg

All finished. Time to play some music :)

AY build 14.jpg


Sadly I'm not a very good piano player yet so I recorded the playback of some well known midi files for demonstration.

Final thoughts

This midi sound module was built as a gift for my much more musically talented cousin and was an absolute blast to put together. The two AY-3-8910 struggle with more than 6 voices but that is to be expected. Maybe I'll build a 3 chip - 9 voice version next? :)